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It is showing red: In the case of the interior, it is the most salinone, but the stone is high school XtC.
They say they plan to make it solid like that.
= “The problem is that the students sprayed acetate on something that could have been easily cleaned up and scrubbed it with a steel scrubber.
“They say they take care of things that need to be replaced because they are spread in the wind,” he claimed.
“Even the schools are making threats of 5.4 billion won, but many companies are asking for at least 10 billion won.”
It is said that he is in a state of resignation on the outside. “My cousin is full of work with this hobby after 20 years in the industry.
Zigt is the first company to succeed in receiving orders from Ada, and will be able to rise to the top of the special cleaning industry.
It’s a “war”:
“Cleaning costs exceed 10 billion won” Police begin investigation