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An actress whose family lineage is treated as a great noblewoman in Vietnam.


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Actor Lee Se-hee’s family is the Hwasan Lee clan, which is treated as a noble person in Vietnam. Lee Se-hee’s ancestor is Hwasan County Lee Yong-sang, a prince of the Ly Dynasty, a dynasty of the Annam Kingdom. When the country fell to the Tran Dynasty, he took his family into exile in Goryeo.

In other words, Lee Se-hee is a descendant of the Ly Dynasty, so why is Lee Se-hee’s family treated as noble people in Vietnam? The reason is because the Vietnamese people have great respect for the Ly Dynasty, and the royal tomb of the Ly Dynasty is still considered sacred by the Vietnamese people. am.

Lee Se-hee’s ancestor, Lee Taejo, was King Sejong of Vietnam and established Vietnam’s legitimacy by defeating foreign invasions and founding an independent nation. During the reign of the Lee Dynasty, Vietnam was never invaded by foreign forces.

In the case of Vietnam, even though it has been nearly 1,000 years since the fall of the Ly dynasty, there is still strong nostalgia for the Ly dynasty and respect for King Li, and members of the Hwasan Lee clan are treated as nobles in Vietnam.

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