Summary: In the Ukraine-related channel on the American site Reddit, they are criticizing Korea as ‘those people who didn’t even provide proper help (weapons support), but just shrugged off the help they received from the international community.’
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Reddit Jinche
MiUkraine’ 9 hours old
South Korea provides $100 million loan to Ukraine to support social sector
187 Two T
12 Addal
9 hours old
Ukraine, North Korea deliver more than 100 short-term missiles and 5 million artillery batteries to Russia
981 votes
MiUkraine’ 1st day
South Korea refuses to sell weapons to Ukraine
2,000 votes
390 add
wailingsixnamesimage text translation
How many countries will come to our aid when Korea is conquered?
You can’t even sell weapons because of the law?
Know what shame you are!
Search results for KOREA on the Reddit Ukraine channel.
And the best comments on those posts
`Why doesn’t Korea provide proper support to us? During the Korean War, we received help from the world and ran away? ‘Not doing our duty as a democratic nation?’
‘Why miss the opportunity to weaken North Korea?’
‘Even if South Korea goes to war with North Korea, it should not help’
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1st day
The good thing about war is that it reveals everyone’s true colors.
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3 more answers
Crying 6 names
Jin on the 1st.
South Korea; How many countries were stolen when you were conquered? As well as military support; Down to the ground: people all over the world
It’s a fucking shame that you can’t sell your country indefinitely to a country like the situation you’re in.
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5 share
1st day
Isn’t South Korea still technically at war with North Korea? I think the rest of the world should stop helping them.
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5Mom Answers
Denuchowi Harness
1st day
Well, I remember that for our future:
8 19$
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strive to be dignifiedimage text translation
7 hours old
Serious question: Does anyone have a list of Korean support for Ukraine?
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Haralen QQ
6 hours long *
South Korea does not transfer or sell anything lethal to Ukraine.
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3Mom is the answer
6 hours long.
It’s not enough. I don’t understand. We need to pour lethal aid into Ukraine. This is a once-in-a-century opportunity.
However, it can weaken their natural enemies. I don’t know why Korea is watching from the sidelines.
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Thermal plastic lama
7 hours old
Top 156 Addal Writers
I don’t know if they sent Hellmatol.
8 9 $
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6 hours old
South Korea says it will not send military equipment to Ukraine: That’s really sad
8 7 $
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strive to be dignified
6 hours long.
They would be willing to at least provide counseling to Ukrainians who survived Russian torture camps.
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6 share
6 hours old
It’s really annoying. The North is armed with 100 short-handed missiles, 1 million artillery pieces, vehicles, and even its own soldiers. So
Meanwhile, North Korea says there is nothing wrong with sending anything. Korea needs to wake up. If North Korea takes over South Korea
What if the United States said the same thing?
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Traditional-Gas 7058image text translation
1 hour long
It sucks that Russia has better allies.
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Lee Kwon-Ad1733
6 hours old
Korea needs to donate
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Jung’s Ghostimage text translation
8 hours ago
On the other hand, North Korea has already provided food and technical support to Russia, including dozens of short-range missiles and millions of artillery pieces without Forso.
I exchanged it in return
Somehow, South Korea’s loans for social support to Ukraine contrasted with the devastating support of its neighbors.
It doesn’t seem very ostentatious, but that support is a primordial attempt by Russia to kill and injure Ukrainians every day.
It is to satisfy desires.
As recently as a month ago, at least 10,000 North Korean regular troops had sent weapons to Ukraine in response to being forced into battle with the ZSU.
Next year, Korea will publicly deny selling mineral oil to Ukraine.
This is even more embarrassing considering their wealth.
Even in the article claiming that aid was provided, people are asking ‘Is this all?’
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Ukraine * 9 hours long
UNINED 24 Media
Top 195 Posters
South Korea provides $100 million loan to Ukraine to support social sector
South Korea Grants Ukraine S100
Million Loans in Support
of Social Sector
Even in the article about $100 million in support, people are saying, ‘So why aren’t they providing weapons?’…
A user presumed to be Korean pointed this out.
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4 hours long
I live in Korea, and most Koreans are angry about Ukraine’s sloppy diplomacy.
1. On July 25, 2023, an employee of the Ukrainian Embassy in Korea assaulted a Korean citizen while drunk and did not apologize.
I sat down
2. In September 2024, Ukraine’s ambassador to Japan praised Japan’s World War II war criminals:
3. In April 2022, Ukraine’s ambassador to Japan criticized Korea for being a trash country like Russia.
4. In April 2022, the Ukrainian Embassy in Korea attempted to illegally enter a Korean arms factory without permission.
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