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“”””Korea provides 139.8 billion won loan to Ukraine… First execution of KRW 2.9358 trillion agreement””””


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‘139.8 billion won loan to Korea and Ukraine… 2.9358 trillion won agreement first house
Entered 2024.11.29. 11.24pm
Original text of article
Reporter Park Ji-woon
Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmihal
Received $100 million (approximately KRW 139.8 billion) in loans from the government:
Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmihal stated this through his Telegram channel on the 29th local time.
“This is Korea’s first budget support as a partner country to support the social sector,” he said:
Prime Minister Shmihal said Ukraine secured up to $2.1 billion (2.9358 trillion won) in funding with Korea early this year.
He added that an agreement has been signed – the terms of the loan are a 20-year maturity, a 5-year grace period, and no interest rate.
It is 1.096 per year.

If 1% per year, isn’t the real interest rate negative? There is also an opinion that it is given at a loss.

They are donating a lot of taxes to the war that is taking place not in a neighboring country, but far away in Europe. Anyone who sees it will think it’s a blood alliance.

There is also an opinion:

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