image text translation
Three naval forces
Why are you here now?
Just tell me the recipe
there is?
Due to the actions of the owner of the fried chicken soup in Yesan Market,
Even in many communities, it is considered a rural area.
(Plus, he’s a part-time worker)
Right time 11 o’clock
A book
This place is open to both eyes
Chicken drum sound
The day when hygiene inspections were announced
Not only was he late, but it had been less than a year since the business opened.
They hired a part-time worker
Various words
I hear that a lot.
scissors oil)
Stir-fried Market Chicken
taste of new owner
Yesterday on Baek Jong-won’s YouTube
There is a video about Yesan Market Saeoden.
It is said that the owner of the fried chicken restaurant has not changed.
Then where is the former boss??
On this day while raising 6 children
I went to a vendor selling stir-fried chicken at Yesan Market.
I also had phlegm:
This merchant talks about the problems he faces while raising his children.
Resolving difficulties related to commercial contracts:
This merchant said, “(while working) there is no trace of the child’s name.”
It is said, “everything.”
He continued, “The military and The Born Korea evaluated the contents.
I’ve never received it, and I don’t know if my contract is up or not.
“I’m in a situation where I have to leave on the 31st,” he said.
“It’s so hard,” he said with tears in his eyes.
According to an article about a politician
On the Bon side, it lasts until the end of March.
It looks like the contract has been cancelled.