image text translation
“Japan is now poor” .: Gwan
Gwangsudo’s disgrace, Taoist guests are the main
With Chinese beans?
Entered 2024.11.18. 7.52pm
Original text of article
Reporter Choi Ki-seong
A scene where men seem to be bargaining with women [Photo source: SCM
PI edit]
When the Japanese economy was booming, Japanese men
People used to go on sex tours to poor countries, but now they
Reports that the situation has reversed and Chinese men are coming to Japan
It says:
Hong Kong South China Monetary Post (SCMP) Latest
‘Dokora, Asia’s new capital of Seth’s fever’
Published an article with the title:
According to SCMP, the yen appears to be weakening and
As more and more foreigners come to Taoism for ‘sex tourism’,
Most foreigners are flocking to buy on this day.
I’m Chinese
Yoshihade Tanaka Japan Youth Protection Liaison Council (three
Secretary-General Lee Bo-ren) said, “Japan is a poor country.
“The park has become synonymous with prostitution.”
There is one step.