image text translation
Source: Dongduk Women’s University Newspaper
Kim Hyun-jeong> Now at the university headquarters; about the student council.
Are you saying you have a claim for damages worth 330 million won?
Hyunah Choi- Yes.
Kim Hyun-jung> It is not only him, but the damage amount is said to be 5.4 billion won.
all; It was announced like this. If you charge this amount,
I’m also a little worried about how students can pay compensation.
What do you think?
Hyuna Choi> First of all, the amount that the university headquarters says is 5.4 billion won.
The university headquarters says this is around 2.4 billion to a maximum of 5.4 billion.
I made a presentation.
Hyunjeong Kim> The school’s estimated amount is
Hyuna Choi> If there is no estimate based on specific evidence, what is the
The range may be a bit smaller, but the difference is really about 3 billion.
I think it is true that it was judged based on objective indicators, and also
In this way, the university headquarters continues to disclose the amount.
It only seems like an action to scare and pressure students.
Kim Hyun-jung> It is an act of intimidation; They say it looks like this
Hey, now Dongduk Women’s University engineering conversion withdrawal all-out response committee
This is how we solve this problem in the future.
Are you actually thinking?
Hyuna Choi> First of all, we are discussing it, and the most current
The action being taken is one that can collect student opinions.
Students go through an objective and accurate process to the university headquarters.
We plan to show once again that this is our opinion.