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Korean economy
Reported by Seong Hee-kong when pointed out, “Stop eating.” Controversy over the decision of the Labor Office
Feet [Ak Yong-hee’s personnel and labor notes]
Entered 2024.11.17 728 am
Modified 2024.11.17 12-39 PM
Original text of article
Reporter Kak Yong-hee
National Pension Service, employee conflict soon
I told my union colleagues to “stop eating”
Colleague demands punishment for “feeling sexually shameful”
The company’s labor union women’s committee judges, “It’s not a sexual issue.”
In fact, the Labor Office issued a corrective order saying, “Sung Hee-rok is right.”
The Corporation also reversed its position following the Labor Office and made ‘excuses’
Court: Appearance evaluation is not necessarily sexual harassment
“Considering the specific situation and context”
Experts say, “Consider the context, including previous and subsequent situations and repeatability.”
1. Remarks such as “Are you not taking care of yourself? Shouldn’t you stop eating now?” during a company dinner.
2. It is inappropriate for unions, disciplinary committees, etc., but it is judged not to be a sexual harassment word.
3. Report to the Labor Office -> If it is true sexual harassment, corrective action is recommended.
4. Only after receiving disciplinary action and filing a lawsuit was he found not guilty of sexual harassment.