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hwii.i Hello. This is Joo Seul-hwi, who is currently working as an influencer with 150,000 influencers.
This paper supports the opposition framework of Dongduk Women’s University’s conversion to engineering to promote women’s human rights.
I am posting this post to become another woman who speaks out about growth.
I can’t write it.
Although I am an influencer, I am also a college student living in these times.
I am an ordinary woman.
This week’s article, Dongduk Women’s University’s signature campaign against conversion to engineering, Limkteul Story
I did not share it, and afterward, many people opposed the conversion to coeducational education.
In addition to the reasons, the discrimination and social disadvantages faced by women are
I get questions about something. And even in between
This is the social situation that women go through, according to the article written by the sexually abusive Diim.
What I am saying is that it is unreasonable. Men who came in response to this
The reason why I oppose Dior and the transition to coeducation I am a woman in this society.
I would like to respond to the female experiences I have been looking into. This article is my
It is clear that this article contains extremely personal experiences and thoughts.
1. The reason why I oppose the conversion of women’s universities to co-education
The reasons and values of the establishment of Women’s University include:
There was a time when many women’s universities barely provided women’s education.
It was not established to provide institutional education opportunities to women. and
Now, women’s educational organizations pursue values beyond providing equal opportunities.
That value is for all women to be treated equally as men:
Along with Dongduk Women’s University, the goal of all women’s universities is not integration.
It’s a waste of money: in a society without discrimination against women, women are no longer
When an educational institution is no longer needed, it naturally disappears.
Do you think that time is now? Women’s thoughts fight.
Urieje is still exposed to a lot of crime and women are often overlooked in hiring.
They are rejected for a reason and receive wage discrimination. Just search for data
It’s good enough.
Among the reasons why women oppose switching to engineering is why they are in the same room as men.
Some men are offended by the idea that it increases the likelihood of crime.
They say it doesn’t move. However, from the women’s point of view, this is clear
It’s true and it’s reality. Of course, everyone has the potential to commit a crime.
there is. So, I have to go through security at Woorinon Airport.
Due to the need to crack down on drunk driving, parents are advised to avoid all unfamiliar adults.
We need to tell our children to be careful. What women say
This is the part. Most perpetrators of crimes against women are men.
Men, you tell your friend who broke up late at night, ‘Be careful on the night road.
Have you ever said, ‘Shall I go while calling?’ late night at friend’s house
Have you ever taken me to a dark alley? Burning the name of a drunk friend
Have you ever taken a picture of a taxi’s license plate? It’s natural for women
This is part. There is a threat from men that women cannot control alone.
This is because irreversible consequences may occur. and
These things are so prevalent:
This is why men are potential criminals to women.
This is why, as I said before, this is what all adults do for children.
It’s no different from being a potential criminal. Women’s University is free from these risks.
This is the final space where you can achieve freedom. College students study at women’s college
I feel respected as a person and I feel safe. anywhere
The belief that no one will harm you if you sleep anywhere.
The connecting link is the women’s college: society will never protect women from crime.
The space where one can feel freedom should not be taken away.
If there’s a man who really doesn’t want to become a potential criminal, it’s
It’s not that women who think that way about men need to change, but many
It is clear that men who commit crimes need to change.
do. Rather than taking away women’s space and making it a men’s space,
I think we need to take each other’s difficulties and circumstances into consideration:
The following content will be uploaded in the next post. long text
Thank you for reading.
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hwiii 2. Journal The kilometers gained by leading feminists in this society
Because of this, compared to them, I live a relatively normal life as a woman.
We were provided with equal educational opportunities, and my parents and I were provided with equal opportunities for education.
Let us love each other equally and have the right to vote. However, ‘human rights’
We demand more. There are still a lot of negative expressions against women.
It exists. Many people still think of women as tools.
The countless Seonghee beans I have received since I was young prove these two days.
When I was in the 7th grade of middle school, a boy in the same grade said, ‘You have big breasts.
I went to the school after hearing ‘I want to sleep with you’ and I was a freshman in high school.
When I started gaining popularity through SNS, I was successful with Dim and Daegu.
I sent a picture of my genitals and the first man I met as soon as I turned 20 was Jerkul.
Take her to a bar and ask her to become a model without her consent.
He said: No one comes along the road leading to my house and asks for my number.
These are not special experiences I have had in my life. This is women’s
It’s everyday life. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Of course I
By working as an influencer, there is a possibility of getting more exposure.
Is there any woman who has never been afraid of the road to get home?
From Seong Hee-kong’s and women’s derogatory remarks casually made by people around him,
Will there ever be a woman who wants to be free?
What I’m asking is that in this section, you ask, ‘Men can do that too?’
Please refrain from thinking about this. Now this is all genders
It’s something that shouldn’t happen, but it happens more often to women.
This is what I am saying. Of course, men wonder what kind of world women can be in.
It’s a corner. This is because it is a difference that cannot be experienced by each other.
Therefore, the strong should not block the voice of the weak, but should share each other’s characteristics and
Efforts must be made to understand the environment while taking it into account. Maybe I can understand
It doesn’t matter if there aren’t any: there are incomprehensible differences in the world.
Because there is. Just accept it. Men’s human rights are low
If you think so, stand up and stand in solidarity. Only men should go to the military.
I think it’s unreasonable and it’s unreasonable that there aren’t only men’s universities.
If you think about it, gather your hearts, protest for the right reasons, and make it happen.
That’s what men do for men. Oppressing women
It’s your job.
I will conclude the article in the next post. This is another long post.
Thank you for reading.
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hwiii 3. The sexual harassment I received was not the individual’s fault, but society’s fault for women.
It’s not unreasonable, and I wasn’t told that because I was a woman.
I get a lot of DMs saying it’s because I’m an influencer. Also I
The reason she became an influencer was because she was a woman, but rather she received preferential treatment.
Uploading photos with D’s and listening to Seongri Chong is an expected result.
Anina even supports Diim.
First of all, I am uploading a video to Seong Hee-kong, but about 4 years ago, I
The sexual favors received while working as an influencer cannot be real.
Let me tell you, this is the society I am talking about. This society shouldn’t say things like that
A society where we can do that, maybe a society where we can say such things, and I am a society like that.
I want to become a person who can listen to those words that can be said to me.
It will.
As you said, Seong Hee-hong, regardless of gender, is able to
That’s true, but based on my experience; Especially in this society
There are so many people who give compliments to women.
If the majority of people have the same thoughts, this is no longer a personal problem.
I don’t think so.
About the DM called ‘Look at the X line’ that I uploaded to my story this time.
Someone said that he was just saying that he had a nice body in a rather vulgar way.
I did it. Why do you say that when you post a picture that shows your body as a good thing?
He even said that he hates it. I have a lot to say. That’s my whole body
I have no qualms about showing it off: because I love my body.
I also have the freedom to wear whatever clothes I like. But last
When the summer dubfake incident became a big issue, I exposed my body.
They are afraid of showing their faces and are busy hiding. Even before that
Those who follow will know that most of the revealing photos are taken down.
This is what it means to be exposed to sexual crime. I
They make you hide your love and censor yourself. like this
I, who was created, look cautious. Because it doesn’t say anything.
I don’t want to remain just a modest woman. With a stronger voice
I want to become a woman with the ability to take action. The side of me that I love
There is absolutely no reason to come to Seong Hee-kong for uploading: I
You mean ‘take it off’? I don’t want people to listen to me like that so I’m tying myself up in public.
Do I have to go? Isn’t that a society full of female hardships? please
Stop the secondary victimization rate
He said that the reason I became an influencer was because I was a woman. Journal
Rather, they are receiving preferential treatment as women in society.
They say they have no right to speak out against discrimination against women. Because I’m a woman
It’s not that I receive special benefits by becoming an influencer, but that I have potential.
Because there was no such thing, influencers were able to do it. with him
To manage the account, upload videos and photos consistently, and create a good lens rate.
It’s a theoretical result because I put in the effort, but I didn’t make it just because I’m a woman.
It’s not a result. And all women can have a voice in women’s rights.
there is. Also, if possible, speak out: This is a woman’s
This is what women should do. No one is discussing the qualifications
It cannot be reactivated. Because I actually have a lot of male followers.
I thought we needed to do more. Women’s passion is surging
It’s important, but it’s just as important to change men’s perceptions.
Because I think.
Now I’m not hiding: I’m worried about my life as an influencer.
People are from different classes, but I am an influencer who stands in solidarity for women.
I think it would be honorable if I had to stop working. Women come
There is no ‘right time’ to speak out. When you can act
You have to do it. I hope I can light another spark. also
Some hostile men may not be able to accept women’s reality.
I want it.
Please share so that many people can see it and stand in solidarity!
Thank you for reading this long post until the end:
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