It seems that Dongduk Women’s University’s student council has not registered as a corporation, so it is an unincorporated association.

image text translation
Liability or not?
Student Council President, Vice President
As a decision-maker, I am responsible for the major actions of the student council. fire
Major executives including Jang
Joint liability is possible in case of legal action or negligence.
Direct observation of problem behavior
Number of records of actions that caused problems, such as relevant contracts, financial execution, and event execution
member who did it. Liability is borne when negligence or intent is confirmed.
student council organization
If there are assets in the name of the organization, such as student membership fees, event fees, etc., they will be distributed two days first.
Available for use on
Im not related to the problem
no responsibility
A person who is not directly related to the issue or did not participate in the decision-making
Source (e.g. executives from other departments)
General students (total students
no responsibility
As a simple member, you are not involved in decision-making or problem-solving activities, so it is not legal to do so.
No liability.
1.image text translation
In the case of liability, if the group’s assets are insufficient, individual executives may be jointly and severally liable.
Even if there is no liability, there may be some exceptions in certain situations (approval due to executive negligence).
A reminder that you are going to go to hell like this. lol
If an individual is identified, damages may be claimed separately.