image text translation
Muan Challenge
‘Jesa `
give it a go
‘ ‘ Uh. C:
400 several
mDLimage text translation
173 This rice summer
_Agains are all over the country
1. The zombie special that the production team prepared with great excitement begins.
2. The production crew tried to make a difference between the usual traitors who were always betraying each other.
It was intentional to unite in front of the rain and talk about getting a vaccine.
There was no prize money, and even if only one survived, there was no chance.
We could all just live together.
3. But as soon as it started, Chunha Jeong said she couldn’t do it.
4. Then the production team also discovered the secret passageway in Molthatdan.
From this point on, the crew went crazy.
Unity is mutual and the game begins with dividing sides from the beginning (why on earth)
5. Meanwhile, Yoo Jae-seok is in the room to prevent the other side from going.
do harmimage text translation
6. In the midst of the chaos, Park Myung-soo, who climbed up the ladder first, was killed.
leg throw
The crew is so confused
7 In the midst of this, Noh Hong-chul is a zombie on the same team as Jeonjin.
offered as a sacrifice to
8. Park Myung-soo from the same team asks Jin-jin to save him until the end.
neglected too
9. Jeong Jun-ha goes to a secret passage and somehow finds both mice and birds.
legge zombie team
10. Yoo Jae-seok, the last hope, finally found a vaccine.
What should I do?
This (vaccine) is my first time.
Broken by dropping it
After betraying each other, we all fall apart.image text translation
For reference, the India special and the Women’s Day special also failed.
Later, a special feature on Indian women’s growth (a special feature on Indian women being zombies)
I did it, but it also failed.
tmi zombie special