image text translation
Dongduk Women’s University’s public discussion on engineering conversion
The above usage information is the first information and the current fundraising cost is
It’s about 34 million won.
And I would like to inform you once again that the fundraising has ended.
July 12, 2024
Dongduk Women’s University’s public discussion on engineering conversion
Misinformation is being spread regarding fundraising.
1) This fundraiser was donated to the Dongduk Women’s University protest club Siron.
It has nothing to do with this. Please stop raising fundraising inquiries to the relevant club.
2) Fundraising is completely closed
3) History of fundraising expenses
Of the 1,136,164 won raised, 1,504,160 won
Pick to use
1) 13000 won
When putting up posters at Daiso
Necessary tape, battery, A4 paper, scissors, glue tape
2) 20,400 won
Buy Gakka Paper, etc. at Daiso
3) 4,000 won
Buy white lacquer and coated gloves
4) 58,360 won
Leaflet to be attached to the center
printing cost
5) 58,400 won
8 other items from Daiso
Purchase of goods
November 12, 2024
No need for receipts or bank statements.
In my own note, race is humorous
People are posting about buying tools for crime haha.