image text translation
Monk Beopmun
Saturday 11:57 PM
Over the past 3,000 to 5,000 years
Women live in a patriarchal environment
I suffered a lot of abuse.
Men owe a lot to women.
So even if the questioner didn’t do it himself,
Since this debt belongs to my parents, I have to inherit some of it.
Don’t think it’s unfair
Think of it as a sin to be born a man.
see more
“Reverse discrimination against men creates feelings of injustice.”
2019.6.13 Instant speech by Beop Monk
“Regarding the problem of conflict between men and women, which has become more serious recently,image text translation
I want to see a rat. In the past, women suffered a lot of oppression and discrimination.
I understand this, but recently there has been a lot of discrimination like this.
all. However, recently, under the name of feminist or Wemad,
Women are oppressed and men are oppressed.
They hate men and even Buddha and Jesus.
There are even cases of people violating the Eucharist just because they are men.
there is. Currently, women are employed in many fields, including female police officers.
While the quota system is being expanded and construction is being built, men are suffering from sexual harassment.
Instead, Moat is ignored and reverse discrimination occurs.
Yes. Young men in their 20s and 30s like me are like this.
What about the expansion of conflict between women and reverse discrimination against men under the women’s quota system?
Should I look at it?”
‘Let’s say the questioner’s parents have a lot of assets. then
“Do you want to inherit that property?”
‘I want to inherit it’
‘Let’s say the questioner’s parents have a lot of debt. Then Jill
“Do you want to inherit that debt?”
“I don’t want to receive it” (everyone laughs)
“The sentiment the questioner asked about is similar to that.”image text translation
‘But we in our 20s and 30s are free from such discrimination or preferential treatment.
“There is no direct relationship.”
“That’s why I made money like this. My parents have a lot of assets.
This has nothing to do with the questioner. But the questioner
Why do you enjoy the benefits? The questioner worked hard to reconstruct the theory.
It’s not a mountain. But why do you get benefits?”
The questioner could not answer and remained silent.
Media, 586, everything starting from the government
Sweet Femmy is busy shielding
The religious community also says that the current generation of men should inherit some of the debt from the older generation.
The reality is that people believe that they can bear the burden of being born as a man…