image text translation
please marry me
usubshorts @SujinSujin
Want summer?image text translation
By changsubshorts @SujinSujin
marriage!!!!!image text translation
ah; Are you asking me to marry you?image text translation
#hangsubshoits @SujinSujin
As the Yonghan said,image text translation
chanasubshorts @SujinSujin
Where can I find such a clear rejection?
image text translation
If you get married in the 3C generation
By; changsubshorts @SujinSujin
Twiceimage text translation
By changsubshorts @SujinSujin
Ah~~image text translation
By changsubshiorts @SujinSujin
So I can’t go nowimage text translation
By changsubshorts @SujinSujin
I can’t go nowimage text translation
By changsubshorts @SujinSujin
I won’t go twiceimage text translation
’50 SujinSujin
I don’t want to go twice hahahahaha