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Yonsei University honeymoon cam
11/13 02.19
The female students are strong~
Even if the world is dirty, let’s throw it away
No matter what anyone says, there is no such thing as existence.
Since I don’t want to see dirty posts, I’ve been avoiding Eta ever since I entered school.
It doesn’t come in often, but it’s the same for you all, so I always
I think I only see insulting and dirty posts from men.
It’s not that you aren’t there
Even if you have been in engineering for many years, do you think the existence of a women’s college is meaningful?
Hidden camera crimes that only occurred at Yonsei University, including the Seong Hirom incident in a private room
How many times? It happened in Sinchon not long ago.
Hum oh
As far as assault incidents, there were a few news stories while I was in school.
I think I’ve seen it at least once
No engineering school will be safe for women in 2024
Only women’s colleges provide free and safe education for women.
It’s chapter
Even if you only have one friend who goes to a women’s college, you’ll get to know each other.
Even in life, every time I see a bathroom wall with a hole in it, I wonder if this
I was in the library during exam period wondering if there was a camera inside.
Or even a friend who sleeps sprawled out anywhere on a bench on campus.
It’s small things, but when they come together, my friend and I’s daily life becomes
The difference between heaven and earth is hot.
Whenever Lee Sook-ja like this happens, it’s always filled with condolences.
It’s just a car, but I spend all day on the Internet, where reality is not present.
How can we win against humans? Our lives are in reality.
It doesn’t live up to the title of a prestigious university. I can’t see any intelligence in the writing.image text translation
There are many people who embrace it, but there are also many who don’t.
Let’s not collapse
This post is probably going to be covered in Hyuno’s comments, but that’s okay.
Your friends, seniors, juniors and classmates are all thinking of me too.
There will be. Is it true? If I do that, it’s correct, but I’m not, right? underneath
That’s right, our fields are always nearby.
To protest against Dongduk Women’s University’s conversion to engineering, all women’s college students
We stand in solidarity. Women’s University will not open, no matter how quiet it may be.
We support and stand in solidarity
Thank you for the good article
11/13 02:26
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71/12 15.76
In solidarity with Dongduk Women’s University
Guarantee female students’ right to education
Sejung University also has female students. We stand in solidarity.
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0 146
17/12 18.29
Cheering on women’s colleges
Just leave Women’s University behind.
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0 12
Cheonan Cam Free Bulletin Boardimage text translation
Dankook University
71/12 01:55
Even though it is extinct, it will not be opened.
This is right, if Dongduk Women’s University remains a women’s university
493 0131 show 2
05 Empathy
3 scram
Uimyeong 1
Please keep it up . Women’s colleges should only be women’s colleges.
11/12 02.18 0 145
Please return the water jacket~~
Family photo opportunities are pouring in.
Bovmi, my sister says “u can do it”
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first post
The survival of the university is ruined due to gender conflict, and only harsh logic is unfolding in Golgo and other countries.
I’m just sad about the situation, but I don’t care whether I keep it or switch.
71/12 1224
Let’s not lose! !
11/12 13.22 0 18
Female college students say they need a women’s college, but they say a lot of things that even women don’t know. Really.
11/12 13.38
‘Please enter a pseudonym comment.
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Pusan National University
11/13 18.24
Girls, Kyungpook National University Etaghwa.
The girls are usually on the alarm system, which is almost DC Ilbe level.
I heard that it was almost completely wiped out, but I brought it up because it was prestigious in every detail.
Female student bulletin board
Kyungpook National University
11/12 15.09
At Kyungpook National University, which is serious about making women feel intimidated
Women are keeping their eyes, ears, and mouths shut for fear of having problems with their health.
It’s not that there is little taste. Men who like women with a concept have a taste of waste.
Doesn’t it seem like a non-mainstream thing? On a random day, I kill a woman, take a picture, and make a fuss about it.
There are no men censoring behavior they don’t like.
Isn’t it natural for women’s colleges to have a voice?
Girls! In the United States, white women gained voting rights later than black men.
Don’t forget that it’s a live experience.
We vote, go to college, get a job and make money like humans.
It’s all thanks to feminists that the world has changed so that we can live.
I have always been treated like a witch by being assaulted and ridiculed in front of me.
You shouldn’t criticize people who are feminists.
Men always curse at me. She’s a woman, so don’t treat her as a person.
If they are in a bad mood, if they show even the slightest bit of aggression, they will do anything.
To men who are sincere because they discourage women by calling them feminists.
Aggression has been castrated for thousands of years and has been oppressed throughout life.
embrace. South American bird obeyed there; As a free male lawyer
I feel really sorry for the working women. Foolish man, of men
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Wow, you poor bastards, Tonaono
71/12 21:35
If you screw me up, I’ll make a comeback.
11/12 22.02
The level of men in their 20s is too low. We need to practice the 4B’s.
root 0
71/12 27.35
0 17
I’m so happy that this is the recommendation I see when I wake up.
Dog waste is in our school.
Also, the Namcho opinion protest record is flooded.
This is crazy
Everyone existed.
Thanks to you, I gain hope and go to study.
Fighting girls!!! We are all happy in our respective positions
Let’s live
71/12 22:27
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Pusan National University
11/13 10.23
I quite believe that women hate men.
I guess I don’t like it
I just don’t like guys at Pusan National University.
I don’t understand this easy thing
Janggeum suddenly comes over and asks if I’m a student.
0 27
043 8 0
I guess I really don’t want to believe that Pusan National University has a lot of bad taste.
Ik3a, it’s ugly.
11/13 10.27
0 25
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Anonymous 1
S! 0 ! :
Eta is taking over nationwide, but it is still a manipulation of public opinion.
11/13 10.23 t 1
Anonymous (written)
It’s just that women across the country hate men’s names.
11/13 10.24 0 13
Anonymous 2
S! 0 ! :
We’ve been through a lot of trouble since the morning.
11/13 10.24
Anonymous 3
S! 0 ! :
What is the name of the place where the Pusan National University festival was held??
11/13 10.24
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Korea University Seoul Lam
71/77 23:56
What I’m really curious about
How much do DC men usually manipulate public opinion without women knowing?
If an opposing opinion differs from yours, you immediately conclude that it is the coordinates of public opinion manipulation?
0 60
0 15
I thought it was their world because I was such a bastard, but even the handwriting was a little bit off-putting.
My hands and feet were covered in tears and my face was covered in tears, shredded kimchi and thoroughly seasoned pork.
11/77 23.58 t 46
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Yonsei University newlyweds
11/12 22:05
Only you don’t know reality
More than half of women in their 20s have lung cancer.
There’s no one around me? The kids who do
There are no women around you
I don’t need to say anything.
Because you’re a potential perpetrator.
Think about the kids who say they are being treated like potential perpetrators.
If the hoof is high, it will be long. Haegukguk Soup
And the airport security guards treat you like potential criminals.
Are you feeling bad? You were abused. An animal or child touched you.
Do you suck when you’re scared? It’s normal to feel sad
0 1037
0 260
The only thing that can do it is Seong Hee-rok, right? You guys are doing this because you are against the abolition of rice.
What you want is sexual harassment, right? The reason why you need to exist at a women’s college
Keep proving it, men.
11/12 22:20
0 533
12:27image text translation
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Korea Aerospace University
11/13 19:47
IDTL Sagin Wolsa
Just the usual
Women who didn’t even see me lying on the ham
I left a few messages to show solidarity.
I don’t want to believe that there are people I don’t like, so I’m going to win mentally.
If you have that level of mental strength, you’re so delusional that even Harvard is worth it.
Every time I do something, I get a message like this. #NaenaNanaBaby
Okay, let’s meet up on the note, cut it off with scissors, fuck.
You can stir -fry and take a scissors for choding.
71/73 19:49
291 Go to the maximum discount 29CM amount of your favorite brand
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Anonymous 1
Are you a woman? Please send me a note
11/13 19:47
Joe Tjo Iggy/I 0L Device Su UI Lne Iukki 7
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Seoul Cam Free Bulletin Boardimage text translation
Chung-Ang University
17/72 1302
There are women at Chung-Ang University, and if you are a woman, you are a waste of money.
Because they don’t understand this, outsiders are taking over.
Are women not interested in women’s rights?
If you are a woman, do you want to improve women’s human rights? Do you not?
It’s strange that you would think a woman would be anti-feminist in the first place.
36 0 15
Anonymous 1
I don’t want to see you writing exciting posts all the time, so I don’t come in.
But I don’t think it exists?
77/72 1305
Because I want to do well on my assignment
Direct translation written on the PDF application
Gilyeoksi; S1O series
Anonymous 1
I don’t want to see you writing exciting posts all the time, so I don’t come in.
But I don’t think it exists
71/72 1305 0 30
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Kookmin University
11/13 19:16
All the women around you are trash.
The abolitionist group is such a great organization that they bribe people with money.
I thought they were just buying accounts and spreading ideas, but that’s not the case at all.
Just yesterday, there was a case of a woman who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend.
After reporting it on the news, it feels unfair to face this unsafe reality.
The fact that you think it’s wrong is because you guys are like that.
It’s an abandoned ideology that I don’t like.
The women around you are Instagram friends, Dongduk Women’s University and others as scaffolding.
The reality is that women’s colleges are posting supportive posts. Is this my first time hearing this?
Is this an instigation? If you want to believe that, believe it.
Just you guys
I don’t know and I don’t want you to know. Among my acquaintances
Dongduk Women’s University, including South American birds that normally cannot live without men.
I am angry about the incident.
And just the existence of spaces or facilities built solely by women
If you are attracted to Baeat and feel bad, go to a space that only men use.
If you make it, it’s a team. Why don’t you build a men’s facility and why bother?
Are you merging all the women’s facilities and making a fuss to get into them?
Not only Dongdeok Women’s University, but also other large and small places.
I’m talking
Now, not only at Kookmin University but also at other schools such as Eta, there are posts like this.
There’s no other reason why it’s uploading more than usual, but I’m holding on and holding on
This is because women who have exploded are leaving messages one by one. Please come to reality
Every day in Etana Keyu, the water stagnates and becomes rotten.
I only read men’s posts, but when I see posts like this, I feel strange and
It’s bad and I’m shaking but? It’s so emotional…
Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss lol