Unique Chinese food ingredients

Unique Chinese food ingredients

Unique Chinese food ingredients
Unique Chinese food ingredients
Unique Chinese food ingredients
Unique Chinese food ingredients
China is a country with as much resources as it is large. Maybe that’s why there are a variety of foods. Because the area of many of these plants is large and diverse, they are not only sold nationwide but also exported overseas.

Today, I would like to introduce five unique Chinese ingredients that are unfamiliar to foreigners. Br.
1. Br> is a carp commonly known as Noodle Fish. It is about 7 to 10 centimeters long and has a round body shape and is almost transparent in a silvery white color. That’s why it’s named White Bates.During the Ganghwa period of the Qing Dynasty, white rice was listed as a tribute, along with white shrimp and white fish!It was called Taeho’s Sambo!

This ingredient, which is famous for its fresh and tender texture of meat, is said to have no scales and no thorns. So, it is a ingredient used in delicious dishes such as the famous Taeho flavored dishes such as Bangeo scrambled eggs, Hibiscus bangeo, Bangeo cabbage, and Bangeo soup. In addition, it is famous for its rich nutrition, so it is called the queen of fish. Br. Br. 2. The yellow trout is as expensive as gold!Material that serves as a known premium supplement. Known to be one of the world’s second-class protected animals, the U.S. media is so valuable that it picks out the yellow-lipped fish from nine of the world’s most expensive foods. It comes to 713 dollars in pounds. The reason why

is famous for yellow mouth fish is that it has a special effect that not only provides nutrients to the body but also promotes blood circulation when eaten in the shape of a flower. It is often used as a ingredient for traditional Chinese cuisine.
3. The bullfrog
is the most famous frog species in China, and the nutrients in the female frog’s poached crown are most valued. It is considered as good as medicine because it has the effect of nourishing the lungs, kidneys, and brain. It is commonly known as the bullfrog. If you eat it raw, it tastes savory, and you can eat it very deliciously when you fry it with pepper. Br.<4. Donkey meat. Br. Donkey meat?I'm sure there are a lot of people who think that. Special donkey meat only in China. Chinese people are famous for their love of donkey meat. You can see this meat in Henan and Shandong. You can usually meet donkey meat and broth. It may seem unfamiliar to foreigners, but it is considered the best ingredient in China.
5. The puffer fish
The puffer fish> is a very round and full-looking puffer fish. Ordinary fish are known to be the freshest within four to five hours of death. After that, the meat becomes stiff, so it becomes less fresh and tastes different. Unlike other meats, puffer fish is the softest ingredient to enjoy within 24-36 hours of death.

But cooking puffer fish is very tricky. Perhaps that’s why most chefs who cook puffer must be specially trained and must be certified. There are also various recipes such as fried, pot, soup, and barbecue. The most famous puffer fish is called raw fish puffer. Like

>, there are many national-grade materials that are somewhat unfamiliar to foreigners in China. It would be nice to go to China someday and enjoy these dishes and savor the taste of Chinese fresh ingredients, right?

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