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[Bullet Box] The opposition raised by the woman
While looking in the direction, I went through an illegal parking lot and collided.
Settlement amount of 1.5 million won and additional to woman through non-budget insurance
I paid the hospital bills.
In Korea, you drive on the right, so you have to drive on the right instead of the left.
If you just look at the inside of the rain, you won’t be able to see it.
There is illegal parking on the left, so you can’t avoid it:
It’s unfair that I walked slowly.
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Argument that will not change even as of 2024
Driving slowly down an alley, at a corner of an intersection, between cars in a parking lot.
body. all . People will come out.
If you look at the video, it looks like I can recognize it well enough.
I’m really embarrassed because it happened so quickly:
The bullet box is on the right side, not the center. You can see better
yo. this
Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance in 2 months
Kadocbogo medical expenses settlement amount of 1.5 million won
Forecast of insurance premium increase
The people who parked on both sides are innocent.
I, who was accepted by a person, am a sinner who killed someone…
What should I do to help Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance with something like this?
Oh my goodness
Theravada is my nail and it is Shingohaehwa.
They say I’m the only one getting ticketed by the police.
Ev9 4-door Earth self-weight is 2.6 tons.
Two people and luggage
Although it weighs close to 3 tons…
If you really step on it, ask for the insurance company to come to the rescue after the accident.
It’s not hard…
That person didn’t do it on purpose, but it was insurance money.
I went to the hospital on purpose and it makes me feel lonely.
Even if I get hit from behind, I don’t have time to go to the hospital.
It’s okay, it’s a world where only people like me who don’t pay attention become headless.
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I am encouraged by the interest and efforts of many people. thank you so much
Since it is an electric car, it makes noise at low speeds compared to an engine car.
He too.. I don’t think there’s anything he didn’t realize.
I would like to send the original to Chinese Muncheol TV or Bullae Box System.
I checked it now.
yes. I don’t know how to use the bullet box.
The original file is already ready for overwriting and deletion:
The insurance company has trained its dispatchers to prevent accidental accidents.
If you point to the file protection and storage function of the customer’s Bullae Box,
I’m going to go to Alcut…
When I failed, I blamed myself. I feel resentful.
The insurance company that needs help from me is to protect its customers.
I feel like I have to leave it behind.
Things like this make insurance companies lose their will even when fighting the law.
I think it needs to be improved, so I’ll put in a suggestion for improvement.
When responding to an accident, only download the file with the customer’s consent.
Even if we tell customers with weak physical and mental health how to save Bullae Box videos,
Please do it.
It’ll be okay. It’s minor and nothing major will happen.
I just remember filming a video using a handheld camera.
It’s hard to accept this result after three months.
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The original has been deleted so I can’t send it to broadcast.
I feel encouraged because so many people sympathize with me and support me.
Sorry for not being able to reply to each and every one of you:
And thank you so much.
Parking really…