image text translation
Currently in Equatorial Guinea
Approximately 400 Sems leaked videos
It is spreading in large quantities
It often happens that the Sems leak spreads.
The reason this is becoming more of a hot topic is
The man who appears in the video
He is the nephew of Mbasogo, the current President of Equatorial Guinea.
Balthazar Angonga and
Many women who appear in the video
The current president’s core supporters
They are the wives or relatives of former and current high-ranking officials.
Current President Mbasogo
The dictator who has ruled Equatorial Guinea for 45 years.
The Angong family is also his likely hereditary successor.
~I am so sorry about the civil war.
distributed on the internet
‘Ho-Jun discovered his wife’s movie record.
in other words; “The wives of the dictator’s core forces
The dictator’s family (and one of his likely successors)
It’s called “eat it all and divide it.”
For this reason, if things go smoothly, there will be a dictatorship hereditary structure.
Although there may be significant cracks
Equatorial Guinea is a heavily controlled country, comparable to North Korea.
There is a higher chance that work will be easier than you think.
ancestral rites