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“Korean stock super special sale
“In the middle of the day”. A brilliant example of axis activism.
Analysis [Geumum Authority Focus]
Reporter Kim Eui-hwan
Entered 2024.11.11 06.00 Modified 2024.11.11 06.32
American activist side Dolty Investment
“Only Korea is undervalued in the Asian stock market.
“Expectations of the Commercial Act Amendment: Dolan and other minority shareholders
Are people flocking to the activist side? The financial world is very tense
‘Korean stocks are on ‘super special sale (deeply)’
discounted) ‘There is a rush to ‘
Dolty Invest Mint, a platform for American activism
Suddenly, this kind of analysis comes to mind. Dolan is
Asiyarum was launched in 1999 after the financial crisis.
I side with one activist. Sob field due to the crisis
By actively investing in the Asian stock market,
Suuiol Olyoda took aim at Korean companies.
There are many undervalued stocks and Geumwoong Investment
Income tax (gold investment tax) is also a result of the abolition. but
Analysis on the side of American activists Concerns about high levels of agriculture
There are also voices saying: Dolan’s chief
Analyst James Lim said on the 6th:
‘The abolition of Korea’s gold investment tax’ contains the same content.
‘Is it a revision of the commercial law?’ The report was published
all. Dolan said, “The second half of this year will be delayed due to concerns about the introduction of a gold investment tax.”
Korean stock market trading volume has decreased sharply
“The Korean stock market is in decline this year,” he said.
Worst numbers among Asian stock markets
“There is a record of this,” he explained.
“Other Ashiya markets are rising at the same time.
“It is in contrast to the other things,” he revealed.
However, Dolan said that with the abolition of the gold investment tax,
law amendment; As the bee industry policy coincided,
It is predicted that the national stock market will make a comeback.
Da: Dolan said, “Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party of Korea,
Following the abolition of the gold investment tax, amendments to the Commercial Act are being promoted.
“The amendment to the Commercial Act requires the faithfulness of directors,” he said.
Expansion of duty from ‘company’ to ‘company and shareholders’
“The goal is to do this,” he explains.
Dolan continued, “The Democratic Party of Korea is a member of the Korean National Assembly.”
This amendment accounts for a majority of the
“The power of will be real.”
‘Super special discount
Korean flag in ‘(deeply discounted)’ state
Industries are aligned with these political movements.
Attractive investment opportunity for Ryo’s active shareholders
“It will provide a framework,” he said.
Korea’s political actions are similar.
Consistent with the interests of minority shareholders, including
He explained, “The amendment to the Commercial Act has been passed.
I am positive about supporting activists, including Dolan All.
Interpretation that a favorable market environment will open up
am. Dolan has been in the 2019 Hyundai Oxo
Ping takes shareholder action against Samyoung Trading in 2020
I have written it. SK Group in 2022
States demanding active shareholder return measures, etc.
He even sent a letter. Recently, Korea
Shares of Colmar Holdings, the holding company of the Colmar Group
The 5.0296 framework was also secured.
As Dolan’s analysis suggests, the opposition party will hold a regular National Assembly session within the year.
We are planning to proceed with the amendment to the Commercial Act.
The government is also approaching the amendment positively.
there is. Earlier this year, President Un Seok-yeol proposed an amendment
The need for processing was made clear, and Lee Bok-hyeon and Geumwoong
The supervisory board also said he was in favor of the amendment.
To actively speak out.
However, the concerns of the business community are significant. commercial law
If the bill is passed, the focus will be on the activist side.
Taking issue with ‘shareholder loyalty duty’
Because they can make unreasonable demands on companies,
C: The lawsuit against the board of directors will be excessive.
There are also loud voices of concern about rice fields. side with activism
Corporate management rights based on the amendment to the Commercial Act
There is also concern that there will be excessive intervention in
It turns out:
Reporter Kim Eui-hwan