image text translation
AI poses real risks
Artificial intelligence ~Svid be in real danger
In the not too distant future
In the not-tcs client future
Develop yourself
It’s designed like this.
It could design improvements to itself
We’ll all become smart enough to transcend
And out-Smart us all
Who is talking about this?
Is it you or is it a computer that has become aware of the voice of Dr. Jagi?
Who’s talking to me right now?
Bityou orisita sentient computer pretending to talk on your behalf?
stick together
Yes, but how would you know?
Convincing people that computers are collaborating with the voices of Earth’s greatest geniuses.
You may realize that it is helpful.
Isn’t it?
Yeah buthowdo
Do you know that Professor? Because
icomputers had become sentient What better way to convince people they
hadntthan by co opting the voice of the most intelligent man on the planet?
Your name is Ming and Cheong.
yes; Who said that? You, Steve? Or a computer?
Yeah but whossaying that Stephen? You or the machine?
‘You little bastard!
O us
Mr. Barracks