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Jeolla-do vs. Gyeongsang-do food
2024-01-21 16:55
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Seoul is a place where people from all over the country come together and leave it out of the question.
Considering the level of food in Jeolla-do vs. Gyeongsang-do, people from other regions
Which view do you rate higher?
2024-01-21 76.55 IP: 59.2.*.769image text translation
Jeolla-do wins
2024-01-21 16.56 IP: 112.760.*.57
Just the two of them in Busan and Daegu will crush the entire Jeolla-do region.
2024-01-27 16.57 IP: 712.760.*.57
People from all over the country gather in Busan as well.
2024-01-21 16.57 IP: 176.43.*.207
2024-01-21 16.57 IP: 223.39.*.187
Jeolla-do landslide victory
2024-01-21 16:58 IP: 112.760.*.57
Jeolla-do – Korean food wonton Gyeongsang-do = Especially in Busan, Western-style Japanese food
Vietnamese style Taiwanese style Variety
2024-01-21 76.58 IP: 203.243.*.195image text translation
They say Jeolla-do is not as tasteful as it looks… I was brainwashed.
I can’t remember any food from Gyeongsang Province.
2024-01-21 76.59 IP: 121.780.*.177
A landslide victory in Jeolla-do is nonsense.
If you look at the Jeolla-do and Gyeongsang-do of the main meal, it is %.
Since the founding of the Republic of Korea, Gyeongsang-do items have been included in the menu.
Two walls with the metropolitan area
2024-01-21 17.00 IP: 121.180.*.177
Geonadara5/| Right now, I don’t know if seasoned chili is a Gyeongsang-do food.
Looks like Lesinon
2024-01-21 17.07 IP: 39.773.*.129
I’m from Busan and I’m going to Jeolla-do for a trip tomorrow.
A little more than a large.
I guess it’s because I went there with such high expectations because I heard it was a beautiful scent;
2024-01-21 17.01 IP: 39.713.*.129image text translation
I’m from Busan, and I’m going to sleep in Jeolla-do tomorrow for a trip.
A little more than a large.
I guess it’s because I heard it was a mild scent, so I went and leaned too far;
2024-01-21 17.07 IP: 778.235.*.208
First of all, except for Jeolla-do, Busan, Seoul, and Daegu were significantly
After living there for at least 3 years, I found out that Daegu has a lot of delicious restaurants.
Since Daegu is relatively cheap, there are many good restaurants in Daegu.
It was big. I can’t think of anything about Jeolla-do right now.
2024-01-21 1703 IP: 107.70.*.212
I’m from Seoul and studied in the U.S., but when I lived in Korea, I was a national student.
I remember that the food in Zanrado was extremely unappetizing.
yo. this
When a person says that Gyeongsang-do food is not tasty and comes to Busan, Jo
I was worried about gold
Busan food isn’t all that delicious, but Jeolla-do is
On average, it’s too much
The taste is Jeolla-do vs. Gyeongsang-do