image text translation
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#RexhantGamhan+53u Ktedtia
# breatht53e013t
Translated from One Minute ( Googlel
The act of lowering QOL on the Internet is definitely “disliked people/groups | Hunren”
“Go see for yourself, find things you don’t like, and confirm what you don’t like,” but this is
In a sense, it is an act that can bring about the expected reward, so it can lead to a habitual problem.
Easy to do. It is said that there are success experiences in life that should not be gained.
3.14 pm. September 30, 2019
210,000 LITT/
4.3 million likes
※QOL: Quality of Life
If you keep worrying about people you don’t like, not only on the Internet but also in real life, it’s bad for your mental health.