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Most Hated Streamer Got Arrested Again
Views 762,121 4 hours ago See more
penguinzo 16.1 million
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‘One Bungun Comfort Women’
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Most Hated Streamer Got Arrested Againimage text translation
Views 777,207 4 hours ago See more
penguinzo 16.1 million
An American YouTuber with 16 million subscribers laughed at Johnny Somali for insulting a girl statue and getting hit while installing it.
They treat human beings like trash.
It tells us about the history of comfort women who were forcibly taken as sex slaves during the Japanese colonial period and the meaning of the girl statue.
Not only this YouTuber, but the number of foreign YouTubers who hate and curse Somalis has begun to increase significantly, so I am finding and uploading all the obscene remarks and actions that have been made so far.
In particular, black YouTubers and American YouTubers seem to be more actively criticizing Somalis as trash.
Explain the meaning of the girl statue and why Koreans are so mad
With the response from Koreans that it is cheap and refreshing to get hit
Somalia has been banned from leaving the country for drugs, deepfake, and sex crimes, and is being announced that he will be going to prison in Korea for a long time.
Somalis will be imprisoned in Korea and even if they return to the United States, their passports will be canceled by the U.S. government and black Americans will beat them up.
I’m also surprised that the comfort women statue is being promoted so well.
The more Somalis continue to be hit, the more it will become a global issue.
Let us be patriotic by finding Somalis who are hiding in fear. he