image text translation
(1)Youngjin Choi Yuui Choi
(2)Joting is Live 5 On Reif.
(3)Everyday show
(4)Singid_Gilgiteo_Son Moon-seon
(6)I’m confident that we’ll meet and ask in my heart
(7)If that’s enough, I can’t help but like Senro.
(1)Seong Young-jin and Choi Yu-uiimage text translation
(2)Jinrang Eun Liv Lee Ha Eun Reif
(3)listing show
(4)Tsugi Mosregina_Seumunseon
(5)[7 |,1″
(6)After that, isn’t it usually a magic trick within two words?
(7)lie down
(8)opportunity |
(1)Promotion Choi Woo-uiimage text translation
(2)Dating is Live Me 5 On Limit
(4)Singid_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(5)Mudalum: Is it your wife who usually breaks up with you?
(1)Seong Young-jin’s enemyimage text translation
(2)Joting Eunlib 5-on limit
(3)Everyday show
(4)Shingro_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(5)'[7 |1
(6)First of all, within two months, the goal is slightly zero.
(7)As soon as you say miltangul, run and catch it.
(1)Seong Young-jin’s enemyimage text translation
(2)Meeting is Live 5 On Limit
(3)listing show
(4)Shingro_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(5)[7 ||
(6)I think it’s a lot of advice to not know how much time is left.
(7)Mihoe |
(1)Choi Yoo-ui before the jobimage text translation
(2)Jinrang-eun Liv Mirun Reif
(5)During the sentence Dalnium, the man gets a little more excited.
(6)Does it seem better if you take the time to think about it?
(7)If you are a wife, you will have bad luck.
(8)When I get home-?
(1)Youngjin Seong of Chwiulimage text translation
(2)The furrow is rib Lee Myeong-eu Riif
(3)Of course
(4)Shingil_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(5)[old ||
(6)There is no such man just once
(1)8Youngjin Choi Yong-uiimage text translation
(2)Meeting u liv’u limif
(3)Of course
(4)Shingil_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(5)[7 |;|
(6)Most men approach me; Example sentence: yes
(7)Fan ]
(1)Seong Myeong-jin and Choi Yu-uiimage text translation
(2)Jinrang Eun Liv’s name is Limif
(3)property for sale
(5)[ |;1
(6)Jay Bitzo says he can’t stand it like that
(7)opportunity |
(1)Youngjin Jeong of Youngulimage text translation
(2)Jinting is Liv Mikhaun Rif
(4)Shingil_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(5)How can I hold on? Talk quickly]
(1)Jeong Yeong-jeon, Chu Woo-uiimage text translation
(2)Jottingeulive 5-on limitif
(4)Shingil_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(5)The slave kiss is Hanamde; Hey, I’m going home with just a kiss.
(6)7 0717_
(7)’;oh !
(1)Youngjin Shim, Woomi Choiimage text translation
(2)Jotingeu leave me-on limit
(4)Shingro_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(5)’Physical education hand training?
(6)There is nothing with my hands
(7)77-17 –
(8)Kyo: Oh
(1)Youngjin Seong Cheongwoouiimage text translation
(2)The meeting is Liv5’s Limitif.
(3)For Sale
(4)Shingil_Gilgiteo_Son Moon-seon
(5)[7 |1
(6)When I take you home at night and kiss you, Market Nemu Yega Tanium-yeo
(1)Jeong Yeong-jeon Cheongwoouiimage text translation
(2)Jinrang is Liv, profit is Limitif
(3)Delicious bread
(4)Shingil_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(5)7 Ni!
(6)Like a woman’s shunt, a man’s body is like this. In fact, it is the first report in this world.
(1)Jeong Yeong-jeon and Cheong Woo-miimage text translation
(2)The meeting is Live Me 5 Ramif.
(3)listing show
(4)Singid_Gilgiteo_Son Moon-seon
(5)[7 |;|
(6)Yes, on a day when I couldn’t stand it, I stopped drinking tea.
(7)Mihoe |
(1)Jeong Yeong-jeon Choi Ul-euiimage text translation
(2)Rocking is leave me-u ramif
(3)listing show
(4)Singid_Gilgiteo_Son Moon-seon
(5)[7 |;|
(6)Bache Sokye Sonyul
(1)Jeong Yeong-jeon and Cheong Woo-miimage text translation
(2)Jinting is Liv, profit is Rif
(3)’Tasty bread
(4)Shingil_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(5)Wow, I don’t have a body sound like this.
(1)Jeom Yeong-jin Choi Yu-uiimage text translation
(2)Golang Euribap Lee Je-eun Ripe
(3)all |
(5)Shingil_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(7)Are you surprised by the reaction at that time or is it okay?
(8)“Now is the time”?
(1)Jeong Yeong-jeon Cheongwoouiimage text translation
(2)Furrow silver rib 5 silver rib
(4)Shingro_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(5)Umzil Olbajeman; Now I’m thinking, “Today is today.”
(6))7 7717-
(7)[:oh !
(1)Seo Young-jeon and Choi Woo-miimage text translation
(2)Meeting is Liv Single Limif
(3)property for sale
(4)Shingil_Gilgigol_Son Moon-seon
(5)Dongridene Gibalo Maderagoyo Jereum Igolgwa
(6)7 377_