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(SOUND)Retaliatory inter-floor noise in the apartment. There is a mentally ill person living above me. Please help.








Hello, I am a mother raising three children alone and I am a single parent. This April, I moved to an apartment in Yonghyeon-dong, Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi-do with I-SET. The apartment I live in is on the 20th floor, and I moved to the 19th floor. As we were getting ready to move in, around 2pm, when we were cleaning the apartment, they came down from the 20th floor and made a fuss about how noisy it was.

It started from that day.

After moving in, my neighbor on the 18th floor told me that I had to be careful on the 20th floor. When I heard that, I thought it was just that, but when I moved in and started living there, he started hitting me like a weapon like crazy. It turned out that I also had trouble with the previous tenant due to noise between floors. They hit it on purpose and the noise went all the way down to the 18th floor, so the relationship between the 18th and 20th floors was bad.

Since moving in April this year, I haven’t had a comfortable day because of revenge noise every single day. They say the sound of children running and talking goes up to the house above and makes it too noisy to live in. My children are 10, 8, and 6 years old. I go to school and academy in the morning, come home after 6, eat dinner, take a shower, and go to sleep around 8:30 to 9:00.

The children are always covered in blankets in fear due to the frightening noises coming from the house above. I live in a home that should be comfortable, but I also refrain from laughing and talking. They say the crazy guy is doing it again. Even if my children make even the slightest noise, I become sensitive and tell them to be quiet.

Even if you file a complaint with the management office, they say there is nothing they can do. The same goes for police. Even if you report it to the police and ask for help, they say they can’t do anything about the noise and just tell you to contact the noise dispute department.

Today again, the children were at their father’s house and I was home alone, but I reported to the police the noise that was intentionally made starting at 7 p.m. The police who arrived said there was no noise when they arrived and just left without checking the house above. They asked me to report again if there was noise, which was really absurd. After the police left, I felt scared, anxious, and going out of my mind because of the noise that was intentionally made in a short period of time after 11 p.m. And since I am raising my children alone, I am very scared that they will clash with the man upstairs.

One day, after the police were dispatched due to a retaliatory noise, the wife of the man living upstairs came down and told the police that when she hears the slightest noise, she goes crazy and hits the bed frame. Even though the couple is fighting over this issue, she tells me not to do it, but she says she can’t stop her husband. If you say this, it seems like revenge and no one will help you.

When I ask the management office, they always say I’m on the blacklist. They complain about public noise and can’t communicate. They only talk about themselves and don’t listen to the other person. Even local real estate managers knew how much the previous tenants had suffered because of the house above us. On a day when there was a lot of retaliatory noise, the police came and said, “We live in an apartment complex, so we have to live with a little understanding. Why do you single out our house and cause us pain? The police officer’s house is treated as well, so we live with mutual understanding. If that’s the case, we even said we should live in a single-family house.” Even though we talked, we couldn’t communicate, so he said he would come down to my house and jump, so he came accompanied by a police officer, climbed on a chair, and started jumping. The police officer who saw him made a bewildered expression, asking how he couldn’t make a noise if he ran like that intentionally. Since it doesn’t work, the police just make loud noises and leave.

When the police arrive, the man on the 20th floor even comes out wearing a body camera. You don’t hesitate to swear. Do you think it’s funny when I smile? Are you laughing? Are you laughing? You want to try it? Treats people aggressively. I’m really scared. They’re telling me to put down mats on the 20th to 19th floors. I bought the mat I wanted and laid it out, but there is no change. Actually, if our children run, wouldn’t the 18th floor be the one that would suffer the most? I don’t have a bad relationship with my neighbors on the 18th floor due to inter-floor noise issues. When we talked to them, they said that even the children on the 18th floor were frightened by the noise intentionally made on the 20th floor.

It was so difficult that one day I went to the police station and received counseling, but they only told me there was nothing they could do to help me. What should I do? I can’t afford to move, it hasn’t been long since I moved, and I don’t know why I have to run away while suffering damage like this. The manager of the management office said that since I am a jeonse and he is a owner, wouldn’t it be better for me to move? In this matter, what is the relationship between a jeonse and a owner?… If I am not a owner, do I have to move..? Due to this problem, I am currently taking psychiatric medication due to anxiety and fear.

There are a lot of video evidence, but I can only upload one, so I’ll upload at least one.

This afternoon, my article was published in an article. A reporter from SBS Pick posted an article that could be misunderstood as my children were pounding at home because it was a data screen showing children other than ours playing soccer at home.

Looking at the comments, they say that if you play soccer like that at home, the upstairs will definitely be angry, but if you did that, I wouldn’t have even posted here. The house shown on the data screen is neither our house nor our children’s. Please do not leave malicious comments without knowing the exact situation. Children are hurt.

I am attaching a photo of our living room.

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