image text translation
(1)My close successor is always looking for IZ*ONE broadcasts on TV (this person who lost his mind)
(2)No one watches Hura TV)
(3)Go and say, ‘Hey, is it okay for a Korean soldier to wash a jujakdol? ‘Kki’
(4)And I’m surprised
(5)successor bow
(6)’Aren’t all idols just a game of setting? Axo is set up as an astronaut, 3-a-3-non, etc.
(7)Angel setting like that. But that doesn’t mean fans really believed it.
(9)’yes? But what is that?
(10)‘They are also set up to be selected through voting. ‘Democracy’
(11)It’s just a root word for me that I can’t forget.
(12)I heard he was a 3rd year student at KAIST, but I don’t think the person who learned it is different.