image text translation
(1)Segye Ilbo
(3)spoken language
(4)This year, Fukushima – pollack roe number 161
(5)Only marked as ‘made in Japan’
(6)Entered 2024.10.04 11.02 am
(7)Original text of article
(8)Reporter Jaeyoung Jeong
(13)Import of 7301 fishery products from 8 Fugushima prefectures
(14)8 out of 10 people are positive but distrust radiation management
To be honest, I think it’s stupid to pass off products from Fukushima as being made in Japan haha.
It seems better to just avoid seafood as much as possible and eat only the minimum amount necessary.
Or, you can buy a lot of cancer insurance and eat it.
The choice and judgment are up to you.