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The actual swordsmanship is just like in the animation! The reason I don’t fight


If you watch swordsmanship in anime, they fight with all their might while holding their swords against each other.

If you actually do that with swordsmanship,

The actual swordsmanship is just like in the animation! The reason I don't fightThe sword breaks…

The actual swordsmanship is just like in the animation! The reason I don't fightUsually, the thickness of a sword is a thin iron plate, about 6mm at its thickest point.

For reference, Japanese swords are thicker than Western swords, but in the case of Japanese swords, they are made a little thicker at 6~7mm depending on the situation.

What happens?

If you hit a very thin iron plate less than 1cm in length with all your might, the sword will break.

For reference, even with today’s iron-making technology, I often see swords breaking when struck like that.

How amazing would a knife made with old technology be?

Oh, of course, a guy who doesn’t know anything can just hit with all his might.

There’s also a counter technique… It’s a technique where you hold the sword horizontally with both hands and flick it upward at the right time.

Does this work? I saw a person who was testing it to see if it was real, and he almost broke his head because it bounced back on his head with as much force as he hit it.

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