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The reality that will happen if Korea does not accept immigration.jpg


‌The number of births per year when people in their early 30s were born and the current number of births:

The reality that will happen if Korea does not accept immigration.jpg
*As the number of births in Korea continues to decrease from 116,000 in the first half of 2024 to the second half, the final figure is expected to be 210,000 to 220,000.

Current population in their early 30s Number of births per year: around 700,000

Number of children being born now: around 200,000

When children born now are in their early 30s (2055)

Based on the number of children born per year

While 200,000 people are actively living in society, we have to support 700,000 people who are reaching retirement age.

Of course, the government will adopt a government that strives to support the elderly with more than three times the number of elderly people.

(In the one-person-one-vote system, the opinions of young people are not heard at all haha)

If you look at professional baseball right now, you can see that the number of spectators has increased thanks to people in their 20s and 30s.

There will be no population to consume in 2055.

There is also the logic that employment will improve as the population decreases…?

Korea is a manufacturing-based country, and if both production and consumption population decrease at an alarming rate,

Employment is not the problem; the problem is that companies are going bankrupt. he

They are talking about the low birth rate problem, but no solution is being taken and they are just throwing bombs.

If an inverted triangle population structure emerges, the country will establish a regime that is even more geared towards the elderly, and the younger generation will feel even more devastated and the birth rate will not respond, creating a vicious cycle.

Without extreme expenditures for welfare, it is impossible to support the elderly population, and there are already many examples of extreme welfare states in South America and Southern Europe.

Korea’s dystopia is just around the corner. Although no measures are being taken. he




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