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A Chinese general whom Yi Sun-sin secretly envied and considered as a role model.


A Chinese general whom Yi Sun-sin secretly envied and considered as a role model.

Guo Zi, general of the mid-Tang Dynasty

Although it is a living power that can create a military regime or cosplay as Jojo if it wants to,

As a loyal subject legend who was loyal to his country, he is always cited in the same group as Zhuge Liang.

Yi Sun-sin also wrote in his Nanzhong diary that he remembered Zhuge Liang and Guo Zi, accurately quoting them.

The legendary general who prevented the Toban and the Revolution and suppressed the Ansa Rebellion.

When Kwak Ja-i announced that he was going to war, the rebellion was self-disbanded.

The people’s reputation was so great that whenever Kwak Ja-ja appeared on the battlefield, their morale plummeted and they began to think about making peace.

He took over all military power, and if he had made up his mind to do so, the Tang dynasty would have ended there.

His status was such that he received a royal title during his lifetime.

A king with a different surname is called King Iseong.

The named kings of opposite sex before Kwak Ja are as follows:

Han Xin, Wang Mang, Cao Cao, Sima Xiao, You Yu… Can you get a rough idea?

It was like a step given to a traitor before a usurpation.

So, normally, King Yi Seong’s gift was almost taboo unless it was received by a government official who threatened the emperor, but Kwak Ja-ja received it even though he did not ask for it.

However, even though he was framed, Yi Yangban accepted the commandment like Yi Sun-sin.

Even though he held the military power of hundreds of thousands of armies, he was a man who gave it up as soon as the war was over and retired to live a leisurely life.

This wasn’t the first time this happened.

Gwakja’s son was married to a princess, but one day the couple had a fight and the son died.

“What if your father is the emperor? Do you think you would still be a princess if my father had wanted to?” I threw it away

Anyone could see that it was a huge remark that would destroy the three clans who called me a traitor. The princess was surprised and angry and immediately confessed it to the emperor, but the emperor chuckled.

“Your father-in-law is that kind of person. If he had had his way, the Lee family’s reign would have ended there. So, go back and make peace,” he said.

Meanwhile, after hearing the news of the fight, Kwak Ja-ja first trained his son physically (hitting him with 20 sticks himself) and then dragged him into the palace and bowed down to the emperor to ask for forgiveness.

The emperor said, “Why are you talking about kids fighting? We, who are older, should understand.”

He comforted Kwak Ja-ja, who was devastated, and dismissed him, saying that since he had entered the palace, they should have a meal together.

For reference, the posthumous names of Yi Sun-sin, Zhuge Liang, and Guo Zi are all Chungmu.

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