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Sphinx most recently discovered in the desert


Sphinx most recently discovered in the desert

Sphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertSphinx most recently discovered in the desertWhen filming the Ten Commandments movie, they filmed it in the desert and instead of dismantling the set, they just turned off the electricity and left.

After nearly 100 years, it has become a relic.

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