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Firm) New Jeans Live Summary


Firm) New Jeans Live Summary

1) Live venue for expressing opinions

– Preparation because it was not conveyed properly at the meeting with management on the 28th of last month.

– An event prepared by artist Newjins, who did not tell Jangdore.

– This was not even discussed with CEO Min Hee-jin.


2) New Jeans needs CEO Min Hee-jin

– From the beginning of my debut, I have been with CEO Min Hee-jin.

deep bond

Since it was built from scratch, New Genes needs CEO Min Hee-jin.

– We need someone who can provide a space where artists can work freely.

H.V. and Saltdoor are not cared for at all.

3) Hi.B and Ssangdore have insufficient active protection measures for New Genes.

– Regarding leaked/leaked medical records and videos from my time as a trainee

There was no active action by H.V (violation of the priority provision for artist protection).

– Waiting for hair & makeup on the 4th floor of H.V. by another artist manager.

verbal abuse

(Towards Hani

‘Ignore that’

said) –

Current CEO of Zsangdor

Kim, Joo, Young


Because it cannot be confirmed on site

Conclusion to move on


– Around April, one week before debut

Due to the decision of CHRO Kim, Joo-young

CEO Heejin Min

Distribution of breach of trust articles

. Adding confusion to artists.

– The dismissal of CEO Min Hee-jin at the end of August was a sudden decision that even the artist was not aware of. mental damage

– There are other discriminatory treatments by H.V. against New Jeans. (Not mentioned today)

4) Please return the existing Adore label management method.

– Although the existing method is optimized for artists called New Genes,

I really want to change it

(Increased anxiety in the work process due to the separation of management and production)

– The discord with the Dol, Whale Oil, and Ghost Troupes is an incident that should not have occurred.

Lack of respect for collaboration

. Causing problems by even asking for things that the artist did not ask for.

– The direction of work required by H.V.

don’t want

(There was no explanation of the specific content, but the intention is that it is in a direction opposite to the existing one.)

5) Please return the door to its original state by September 25th.

Chairman Bang. H.V., clearly stating

Demanding the return of CEO Min Hee-jin

————————————————– ————————–

A position that wasn’t even discussed with CEO Min Hee-jin? Lies from the beginning…

Hey guys.. is your contract.. so funny?

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