Among the first generation of professional gamers, he is a man who is described as a complete midfielder.
At the time, the biggest virtue in mid-game was growing by sticking to the lane, even stealing jungle CS.
However, even though Kang Chan-yong gets a solo kill from his opponent, at some point he gets more CS than his opponent’s midfielder.
In order to keep Kang Chan-yong in check, the opposing jungle tried numerous tactics, such as ganking Kang Chan-yong, but it was Kang Chan-yong who always received the most CS in the latter half of the game.
It seemed like Kang Chan-yong was reigning in power, but
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As Faker defeated Kang Chan-yong’s Kha’Zix in his debut match, the mid-game generation change began.
Now, an era has begun in which midfielders are required not only to absorb CS but also to engage and roam.
In fact, many first-generation mid-game gamers could not endure this upheaval and retired.
However, Kang Chan-yong is not retiring.
Even though his physical strength was not as good as that of the 2nd generation emerging midfielders, he was quite decent, and even as he got older, his physical strength did not decline and he even gained insight into the game.
Nevertheless, it could not become a top-tier midfielder due to a 2% lack of engagement power.
Because of this, the player himself is said to have considered retirement.
In this situation, the coach suggests changing the position to the jungle.
Kang Chan-yong accepted the position change after a long period of time.
Mid-level physical strength, stable growth, and insight into the overall game.
Kang Chan-yong, who possesses all the virtues necessary for a second-generation jungler, is literally enjoying his second prime.
And then they advanced to the finals of the World Cup,