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The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.


Video of three American Chinese chefs blindly testing various frozen dumplings

While various frozen dumplings such as Chinese jiaozi and Japanese gyoza were being released, bibigo frozen dumplings came out…

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.
The blind target this time is bibigo frozen dumplings.

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.This is the largest dumpling I have ever eaten in this blind test.

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.Seeing that it is such a large dumpling, there is a high probability that it is a Korean-style dumpling.

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.Korean dumplings are always stuffed so tightly that it feels like they’re about to burst.

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.(and tasting)

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.It’s full, fluffy, and has a good ratio between the dumpling skin and filling.

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.The dumpling juice is plentiful and the pepper flavor is nice.

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.What distinguishes Korean dumplings from other dumplings is the glass noodles inside. If you look here, you can see the glass noodles inside.

(100% Korean dumplings)

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.There is only one Korean frozen dumpling brand that I know of.

Is it bibigo?

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.Correct answer. Bibigo frozen dumplings.

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.One of the chefs said that there is more to cooking Bibigo frozen dumplings than just baking them.

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.You can eat the dumplings by steaming them, but the chef recommends eating them steamed.

First of all, if they are huge and have glass noodles inside, they are Korean dumplings.

For reference, this is the size of the dumplings these chefs ate before eating Korean dumplings.

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.Frozen Jiaozi at Twin Marquis

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.P.F Creative Frozen Dumplings

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.Ajinomoto’s frozen gyoza.

The reason why a foreign chef could tell at once that these were Korean frozen dumplings.bibigo’s frozen dumplings

It’s big…

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