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The first photo ever taken by a Korean.


Sunrise on Dokdo seen from Ulleungdo.

When taking pictures of the sunrise in Ulleungdo, Dokdo was captured in the exact center of the sun.

Use trigonometry and adjust the angle to 0.1 degrees.

The season, wave temperature, humidity, etc. must all match.

Filming was successful in 2014, three years after the challenge.

“The distance between Ulleungdo and Dokdo is 92km. Because it is so far away, Dokdo cannot be seen even if the camera angle is off by just 0.1 degrees. Because the position of the sunrise changes every day, the only times of the year when Dokdo and the sun can be seen from Ulleungdo in a straight line are February and November. First, I applied trigonometry considering the round Earth and found that the shooting point was 640m above sea level. The most important variable here was the weather. Calm waves and clear skies are essential, and temperature and humidity must also be provided to avoid water vapor from the sea surface.” Photographer Kwon Oh-cheol.

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