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When I told it to run, the settings changed unexpectedly.


When I told it to run, the settings changed unexpectedly.

Character originally designed as the main character: Na Ae-ri

After making it, I thought the image of Na Ae-ri’s character was so urban and pretty.

In response to a request to create a more lyrical(?) protagonist,

The newly created character is Hani, and the existing Na Ae-ri design is

Used again as a rival character

When I told it to run, the settings changed unexpectedly.The main character’s name I originally planned to name: Pony.

It was supposed to be Run Pony, not Run Pony.

At that time, there was already a car with the same name, etc.

Changed from Pony to Hani for various reasons.

Summary: Na Ae-ri’s design was the main character in the planning stage of Run Hani.

Run, I almost came out as a pony.

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