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Don’t ask questions today, the assault scene haha;;;;


I heard there are a lot of assault cases these days, so I check it out sometimes haha;;;

Today’s scene of violence at a ginseng wholesale/retail store in Gyeongdong Market haha!

Full story of the incident: The recent games are good…;;;

The market is all bad, so business is not going well…

A scene in which the Teojudaegam store, which has been in business for a long time and is doing a little business, is adjusting the display position a little when the owner next door starts an argument and immediately resorts to violence without asking…ㅎㄷㄷ;;;; A person who is old enough;;;;

Gyeongdong Market Ginseng Wholesale and Retail Store Pung* Ginseng on the 1st basement floor… Representative Kwon**.! Just a boycott!!

These days, don’t even ask, it’s assault!! They say there are a lot of ㅁㅊㄴ, but if there is ㅁㅊㄴ next door like that, how can they do business because they are scared???

What’s shocking is: A sturdy old man’s violence against a small young woman;;;ㅎㄷㄷ….;;

I’m really scared to buy things from people like that;;; I would kill myself to buy something and return it;;

Boycott is the only answer!!!! The world is scary to live in;;;

Boycott seems to be the real answer in places like this.. Even in this day and age, there are places where people like this do business;;;.

Is this store leaving here? It seems like getting kicked out is the only answer…hahaha

A person who doesn’t know how scary the world is…

It looks like they are currently reporting it to the police and filing a complaint…

Clearly, the perpetrator is trying to figure out a way to get away, either by threatening to harm himself or not…it just seems like hehe.

By spreading the word widely, we must eradicate this kind of assault without asking..!!!!

Don’t ask questions today, the assault scene haha;;;;

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