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It turns out that two teenagers accused of raping a female student were found not guilty in the first trial.


It turns out that two teenagers accused of raping a female student were found not guilty in the first trial.


2 male middle school students and 2 female middle school students having sexual intercourse (the women are 1 year older than the male middle school students)

Woman = After having sex, she calls her boyfriend and asks him to help her, saying she was forced to do it (the angry boyfriend comes flying in).

Man = Claims to the end that the relationship was consensual and calls the police himself.

Stated that the man forcibly took off his clothes ▶ Stated that he did not remember it later

I was forced to evacuate ▶ There was nothing like that during the examination + no signs of resistance.

I was forced to do it ▶ It was done at the woman’s house and there were other people in the house, but I never yelled at her.

When my boyfriend at the time tried to report it, he said that in fact, it was consensual.

Police = do not check text, KakaoTalk, and phone records + do not secure 112 report details that can reveal the atmosphere + write additional statements unfavorable to the male middle school student + omit information favorable to the male middle school student

Court = Police, you bastards, aren’t you doing your job properly?

2 male middle school students = not guilty (2 female students + 2 male middle school students were almost imprisoned through police collaboration, but the court ruled normally so they survived…)

Woman 2: Kabbi 😛 haha

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