Ball lightning
Ball-shaped lightning floating in the air at slow speed
It is said that it can float for about 10 minutes.
It is also called a word-of-mouth phenomenon, and there are quite a few eyewitness accounts and actually filmed videos from the past.
It is caused by magnetic fields, it is caused by seismic waves colliding, it is caused by ionization of air particles, etc.
There is controversy as to whether it is a real phenomenon because there are only a few weak hypotheses and no clear principles have been identified.
In 2014, scientists in China actually observed this phenomenon and
There is more weight on the fact that it exists, and I am speculating on the cause in my own way.
There seems to be room for research as each eyewitness account has different characteristics.
(Depiction of ball lightning drawn in 1901)As shown in the picture, there are also quite a few records showing that this lightning entered the building and caused damage.