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I took Daehoyeon Puuuk dip and ate it.


Daehoen – Over 50 hours of play time.

Lap 33 – Server Ranking 66th

Stage 20 in progress (presumed to be the ending stage at the time of open spec)

Most of the time, only the beginning part is boring… There are many people who don’t see the abyss of the game and just criticize it.

There is a lot of nutritious information that only makes predictions… I’m speaking from the perspective of someone who has done everything he can.

Once you are in the top 100 for certification, you will receive a zoom.

I took Daehoyeon Puuuk dip and ate it.
Isn’t it just 100th place because of the surcharge?  ㅇㅇ I think I got ripped off and paid about 100,000 won.

It’s about eating poop yourself and showing you the abyss inside. Only those who are curious can check it out.

——– So, Hoenn is Lineage?

Surprisingly… it is something other than a subculture containing Lineage DNA.

To put it simply, the stats are distributed in various ways in the game.  Like Lineage’s encyclopedia and transformation collection

It feels like the more I do, the more the bonus stats are applied to all collected characters.

However, it feels like the collection is not tied to BM but spread throughout the in-game.

This isn’t Lineage, but that’s why it’s called ‘Lineage’.

Lineage = A game where you collect stats with cash

Hoenn = Same stat farming and realism as Lineage, but stats are farmed through in-game play.

In other words, except for paying with cash in the game, the feeling of character development is very similar.  In the end, the more the stats come together…

Just like Lineage’s ‘Yongke’… you can feel yourself getting stronger.

And in this ‘Lineage’ style, you can farm each stat one by one to become a stronger character.

Cookie Run: This is a game where you play the ‘boss battle’ of Tower of Adventure, Grand Saga, or Genshin Impact.

Can you imagine?  It feels like playing an RPG-type subculture boss that requires gimmicks and controls with a character developed through Lineage.

That’s right… this is the true nature of ‘Dog Meat Tanghulu’.

It seems like NC is in a hurry… There was a lot of chaos in-game too…

They are giving away random draws… If you log in now, they will give you 3 highest level characters and about 80 draws.

And there’s a story going around saying ‘you have to buy the ultimate skill with money’…

A pop-up will appear selling ultimate skills, but…

You can learn the ultimate skill of a character by playing with that character for just one day.

It’s called constellation farming… There is a system that farms ultimate skills for each character.

You can roughly think of it as a pop-up telling you to buy the ultimate upgrade if you want to use it as quickly as possible.

Let’s not criticize… It’s not that it’s not…. You should come… I think the party will be saved… NC’s bad image

In fact, it seems to be accurately occurring as a phenomenon of avoiding games.

Above, I talked about ‘Dog Meat Tanghuru’ Hoyeon.

If you have any questions about Hoyeon, please leave a comment… I will tell you exactly as I am trying it.

And… please don’t criticize me for just writing about Hoyeon haphazardly.

You need to know better to be able to hit more accurately.

If you want to try a ‘Genshin Boss Battle’ with a character developed like in Lineage… come for it hahaha

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