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An ambitious project planned in Jeolla-do


Build 3 more KTX stations between Mokpo and Jeju

(Turn to Chujado Island)

Jeju Island is not interested.

Actively promoted only in Jeolla-do

If construction begins like this, the actual construction cost is expected to be 30 trillion won.

Yes, feasibility aside, why are we building three more stations in the middle?

Plus Mokpo Drift ㅅㅂ

For this to be viable, you need to get from Seoul to Jeju as quickly as possible.

It would take a lot of time to make it like that.

It takes one hour to travel by plane from Seoul to Jeju, but in order to be competitive with the plane, the KTX time between Seoul and Jeju must be shortened as much as possible.

If you make a station in the middle like that and even do a drift…

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