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Full text of joint statement from the meeting between the ruling and opposition parties


Full text of joint statement from the meeting between the ruling and opposition parties

Full text of joint statement from the meeting between the ruling and opposition partiesFull text of joint statement from the meeting between the ruling and opposition partiesFull text of joint statement from the meeting between the ruling and opposition partieshttps://n.news.naver.com/article/003/0012760561?sid=100


No agreement was reached on the Special Prosecutor Chae Sang-byeong Act.

In addition, it seems that discussions on people’s livelihood organizations, gold investment tax, deepfake sex crime measures, small business owners, low birth rate measures, semiconductors, and emergency medical measures were discussed.

The 250,000 won consumption coupon policy and lawmakers’ immunity agenda that both sides wanted did not come to fruition.

The most important thing is when will the ruling party agree to the Special Prosecutor Chae Sang-byeong Act?

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