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Please give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠ


I’m not a mastermind, and I’m not the kind of heartthrob who wants something in return.

I’ll post a link!!!!





I run a small cafe in the countryside.

If you post something, they report it and have it taken down. They sue you. They make a fuss.

I’m uploading this because I don’t think I can do something like this to ruin these bastards’ businesses.

Besides me, over 30 other people were affected.

The small amount starts from a few tens to about 300-400 for me / about 100 million for the person connected to the supply factory,,,

The police say they are not guilty, they are still investigating. Just wait. It’s frustrating.

Everyone, please be careful too!!!

Since the end of last year, a person named Choi Seung-hyeon at a place called “Cafe Exclusive Coffee Beans” has been approaching cafe owners by saying that he will give them coffee beans at a low price or at the cost price. The number of times they give has decreased, they can’t even contact me, and now they’re just saying they don’t have any money.

Please give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠ
Please give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠIn the meantime, they discovered “Connect On” at other businesses and are now committing a new scam on other business owners under the pretense of being a supplier.

The police say it’s a small amount so they don’t know, but they just say wait, these scammers don’t even believe it, so they block all the numbers and can’t contact me anymore.

If you know anyone, please be careful!!!

Seunghyeon Choi, Won Jo.

010 4171 8225

Please give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠPlease give me real education on scammers!!!ㅠㅠ

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