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A person who showed the example of a scholar during the Joseon Dynasty


A person who showed the example of a scholar during the Joseon Dynasty

Kim Sang-heon, a court official who advocated for Cheokhwa during the Manchu War.

It was not an argument for reconstitution solely focusing on Neo-Confucian justification.

Knowing the situation between Ming and Qing at the time, he advocated for reconciliation.

When his will was not accepted, King Injo decided to surrender.

Instead of following Namhansanseong Fortress and Samjeondo, he went straight to his hometown.

When they were attacked by the Juhwa faction, they retorted by saying that subjects should always follow the king’s will.

Afterwards, he tried to commit suicide, but unlike the movie, he failed.

Afterwards, he appealed against the Qing Dynasty’s request to dispatch troops and was taken to Shenyang.

During a conversation with an envoy from the Qing Dynasty, he used the expression Qing and Joseon as “two countries.”

To the Qing Dynasty, you are our vassal country, so why do you use that expression? I heard someone say,

The border is divided, so I asked if it was two countries or one country.

He was forced to bow in the direction of the Qing Emperor, but he refused.

Although he showed the appearance of a truly great scholar,

He enjoyed a long life and passed away happily.

Even the Qing emperor Hong Tai acknowledged that this guy was not an ordinary human being.

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