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The early Joseon Dynasty was a gangster state in its own way.


The early Joseon Dynasty was a gangster state in its own way.

The early Joseon Dynasty was a gangster state in its own way.The Japanese pirates on Tsushima Island made too much of a fuss.

Taejong was enraged by this and gathered his ships to attack Tsushima Island.

At this time, 227 warships and 17,285 Joseon soldiers were mobilized.

Then they killed the pirates, burned all the ships in the port, and took them back as prisoners.

In the end, while trying to repel the Japanese pirates who fled to the mountains, they were defeated and lost about 100 soldiers.

Anyway, I’m scared to run away from Tsushima thanks to this conquest.

He bowed his head to Joseon, saying he would watch closely.

And Japan can’t protest anyway since Joseon invaded Japanese territory.

The early Joseon Dynasty was a gangster state in its own way.During the reign of King Sejong of the Joseon Dynasty, he invaded the north to restore the homeland, subdued the Jurchen tribe, and established 4 armies and 6 camps.

Compared to Goryeo’s use of mountains as boundaries,

King Sejong of Joseon said that the river should be used as a boundary line.

He expanded his power to the Yalu River and the Duman River and attacked and drove out all the Jurchen people who lived there.

At this time, the number of Joseon soldiers mobilized was about 15,000.

The early Joseon Dynasty was a gangster state in its own way.Because Lee Man-ju, one of the powerful figures of the Jurchen tribe during the reign of King Sejo of Joseon, was such a jerk.

King Sejo sent 10,000 Joseon troops to attack and kill Lee Man-ju and cut off his army.

Lee Man-ju’s base in Geonju was devastated.

The Joseon army returned with a note saying that they had subdued the Ming army first because they did not come.

In the early Joseon Dynasty, it was a gangster state that mobilized large armies and invaded various places.

After the fall of Goguryeo, Goguryeo entered Unified Silla, but mobilized more than 10,000 troops.

The early Joseon Dynasty was the only time since Goguryeo that they acted like thugs against neighboring countries.

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