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Oh my, what a mess taxi driver is.


Oh my, what a mess taxi driver is.

Oh my, what a mess taxi driver is.This post I wrote on my day off is getting so much attention.

It’s true that the election was lost…and the taxi driver is also right…

Suddenly people say it’s strange and it’s a masterpiece, so can I do it? I’m trying to authenticate.

But actually, how should the election be certified?

I feel burdened by this sudden issue online…

4.10 this year. I wrote this article after losing the election, but it was a by-election for regional council members, not a general election. I did not mention that it was a general election, and I think that caused a misunderstanding.

It’s not an easy situation because it’s always been a dream and goal, but I went all in with credit loans, home mortgage, and insurance, but I lost.

Like I said, if you fall, you fall and you have to live with it.

Living as a disabled person…

I also work part-time as a chauffeur for a friend on rainy days.

I applied to Saramin Job Korea Worknet but got no response.

I have to repay the loan, so I’m taking a taxi.

Losing the election…being hurt by people

When you’re busy driving, you forget.

This is such a good thing for me right now…

He has been reported to the National Election Commission for accounting, and a police investigation is scheduled soon.

But I will hold on and survive.

I don’t want to remember the election-related data, so I’ve sealed it in a box… but I’d be happy if there was any method or item that could be used to authenticate it.

Thank you for your interest… Actually, I think I haven’t come to my senses yet despite this situation.

I hope it survives well and the day comes in two years when it is successfully certified.

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