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General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)


The translated version is Sol’s Journey to the West.

It is said that the original Journey to the West was translated very closely.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)
Samjang and Son Wukong were attacked by bandits.

At this time, the two had just met and became priests.

Samjang: When I saw this guy as a thief, he got so scared that he immediately fell off his horse.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)At best, Son Goku saved him by beating him to death when he was a thief.

When I saw the thief losing, I asked, “Why is this monkey with such a bad temper?” And I’m longing for it

At first, Son Goku just accepted it, but since his quest never ends, he gets angry and just abandons him.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)Then, when he met the Dragon King, the Dragon King met a great general of the Han Dynasty named Hwang Seok-gong.

Let’s talk about an anecdote where Hwang Seok-gong threw his shoes away no matter how many times Zhang Liang brought them back.

Son Goku came to the realization on his own and went back saying, “Okay.. even if it’s the same, it’s right for me to serve Master with the utmost sincerity..”

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)Son Goku realizes this on his own, reflects on his thoughts, and asks if he should come back and offer up some food for his teacher.

Samjang This bastard screamed loudly, but because Wukong wasn’t there, he couldn’t go even one step further.

I got it from somewhere and tricked it into giving it to Son Goku as a gift.

Son Goku, who said he liked it because it was a gift from his teacher, was immediately tortured.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)A dragon suddenly attacks from the stream.

Son Goku is surprised and saves Samjang by carrying him on his back.

But in the meantime, the dragon eats the horse that Samjang was riding.

Because there are no words, the bastard who says Samjang is doing penance is dragging his feet, saying, “How can I go that long way without saying anything?”

Son Goku got annoyed seeing the person he called his teacher crying like an idiot.

“Don’t be stupid and wait, I’m looking for a horse.” hani

This bastard told me not to go again, saying, “Then what if another monster attacks you while you’re away?”

Son Goku gets so angry that he yells, “What are you asking me to do?” because he kept procrastinating even though he said he wouldn’t say anything and said he would go find the horse.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)Because Son Goku is so temperamental

Summon the Land God and the Mountain God and say, “First, hit me with the sole of your foot. I’m so angry, so let’s talk after getting hit until I lose my temper.”

I’m going to convene and beat him lol.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)Also, Samjang says he is hungry and asks Son Goku to ask for some food.

Son Goku smiled and said, “This place is so isolated that there are no houses nearby, so please tell me where to get food.”

The bastard, who is said to be in the middle of nowhere, suddenly curses at his disciple saying he is a little hungry.

“Hey, you monkey bastard, if I hadn’t saved you, you would have been trapped forever. How dare you talk back to me?” And he scolded me

Then, Son Goku tries to find a peach somewhere.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)Then, a nearby monster turned into a beautiful woman and approached while Son Wukong was away, intending to eat Xuanzang.

Not to mention this bastard, Sanzang, even those two, Bajie and Saojeong, are so low-level that they don’t even notice that they’ve transformed.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)Son Goku, who worked hard to save the peach, recognizes that the woman is a monster as soon as he sees her.

Immediately hit the monster to death – the monster runs away leaving only the body behind.

Samjang scolds Son Wukong for going crazy and killing people.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)When Son Goku said, “Look at the food that beauty brought,” it wasn’t real food, but only maggots and bugs.

“Was what Son Goku said right?” I’m doing this

That bastard who likes women so much that he flirts with them gets upset when things go wrong.

They say, “Son Goku beats a strict person to death and uses Taoist magic to fool him by showing him hallucinations.”

Damn, this bastard believed that right away and tortured Son Goku, who saved his life by memorizing the long orphan spell.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)And without even looking into Katabuta’s circumstances, he told Son Goku to get out of the way immediately because he would excommunicate him as a disciple.

However, even though Son Goku was insulted, he decided to stay, saying, “I have to repay the favor that saved me.”

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)Meanwhile, the youkai who barely escaped with her life transformed into an old woman and took on the second challenge.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)Of course, Son Goku recognized the magic right away and immediately broke its head and beat it to death – the monster ran away again, leaving only the body behind.

And again, I was tortured by Master Jang.

Goku was in pain and said he would just say one thing, “What do you have to say?” Because

In the meantime, Palgye next to me said, “It’s a shame to leave empty-handed, so I’d like to ask you to give me something to eat.”

Son Goku got angry when he heard that.

Anyway, I managed to stay again due to circumstances.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)The monster who failed twice this time transformed into an old man who spoke nothing but Buddhist scriptures and tried 3 times.

When I heard the sound of Buddhist scriptures ↗↗ This guy was immediately suspicious and thought, wow, there is an old man with such deep Buddhist beliefs.

Son Goku, who had already experienced two monster attacks, decided to check it out himself.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)Of course, Son Goku figured it out right away this time too.

This time, I summoned the Earth God, prevented the monster from escaping, and beat it to death.

When Palgye saw that, he sarcastically said, “Son Goku went crazy and beat three people to death while walking for half a day.”

↗ When Magistrate Jang tried to torture him again, Son Goku desperately explained.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)After hearing the explanation, Xuanzang was barely able to believe it.

↗The Eight Precepts heard this bastard mutter again, “I think Son Goku is trying to trick me with Taoist magic,” and immediately started to torture him.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)In the end, I was completely excommunicated.

Even as Son Goku was leaving, he told Sao Jeong

“Some scary monsters will run away at the mere mention of my name, so if you see a strange person, tell them that he is my teacher.”

We bow in accordance with the etiquette between priests and priests.

Because the poor ↗↗ monk turns around and refuses to receive it until the end.

They surrounded me with self-immolation and casted a 3-sided Granjeol, so in the end I had no choice but to accept it.

As Son Wukong leaves on the Geunduun, he thinks of Xuanzang and sheds tears.

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)After chasing Son Goku out, Samjang tells Palgye that he is hungry again and asks Palgye to ask for some food.

As Pal-gye was trying to find food, he realized that on the way to Cheonshinmango, it wasn’t like people came out at will.

Usually, Son Goku traveled a thousand miles in a month by riding a horse, and somehow managed to find food.

Now that Son Goku has left, it’s hard to beg him.

↗I chased away the Eight Precepts and chased away Son Goku, but I was actually looking for the Eight Precepts.

Eh, I don’t know. If I go quickly, they’ll say I didn’t try hard enough to find it, so I’ll just go to sleep and kill time.

Lie down and take a nap…

General atmosphere of the original Journey to the West novel (Beware of blood pressure)After watching it, I realized that this genre is a comedy where a normal person makes a road movie with a bunch of trolls…

At the time of volume 1, Son Goku has already dealt with all these guys, including Taktap Heavenly King and Prince Nata.

Even Cheon Seong-rang Shin, who defeated me, actually fought as an equal, but was swept away by the fire from his subordinates.

Excluding the immortals, there is no opponent that Son Goku cannot defeat with his strength.

In fact, his companions are the biggest villains…

What’s surprising is that this isn’t even the blood of a whole bunch of trolls.

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