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A Japanese woman in her 30s bought three houses with just 1,800 won per day for food.


A Japanese woman in her 30s bought three houses with just 1,800 won per day for food.

34 years old Saki Tamogami

From the age of 19 to 34, I owned 3 houses.

Have a goal of owning

I spend less than 200 yen on food per day.

Never buy products that are not on discount

After graduating from college, I worked at a real estate agency.

All meals are prepared at home

Udon, toast, etc.

To save money, I ate food out of the pot and started doing it when I was 19.

Wearing used clothes from relatives

dyeing? perm? Of course I don’t do it so my hair feels good.

It can be sold for around 30,000 won.

(Get about 2 weeks of living expenses..)

After these efforts

Purchased first house in Saitama at age 27 (approximately 90 million won)

At age 29, a second house (approximately 160 million won),

Purchased a third home at age 34 (approximately 340 million won)

Why is the difficulty of life so SUPER HARD?

I asked why I set it up

I adopted a stray cat when I was young, and it went through difficult times.

I love these stray cats because they were a great comfort to me.

I started living frugally because I wanted to save money.

Saki Tamogami is currently on the first floor of the third house she found.

They say they are operating a cat protection shelter.

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