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The Philippines was turned upside down because of one Chinese woman.ㄷㄷㄷ


The Philippines was turned upside down because of one Chinese woman.ㄷㄷㄷ

In a city called Bamban, a small city in the Philippines.

There is a person named Alice Guo, a Chinese female mayor.

Although it is a small city, like in Japan, unless you are a particularly popular star,

Usually, members of families with political backgrounds push Shaba Shaba among themselves.

In the Philippines, where there is a lot of space to occupy

A young Chinese woman who is not of mainland descent and has no significant background.

Being elected mayor of a small city was a pretty interesting issue.

Meanwhile, Chinese criminal organizations have recently launched voice phishing and

Let’s stop crimes such as illegal online gambling and move to Southeast Asian countries.

Resorts built by Chinese capital in collusion with local companies in the Southeast Asian region

Committing crimes, even serious crimes such as sex crimes and human trafficking

There are more things to do.

For this reason, early this year the Philippine government

During a large-scale crackdown on illegal online gambling establishments,

It is said that a large-scale Chinese illegal online gambling house exists in Bamban City.

Intelligence was obtained and an arrest operation was launched.

The operation was successful and the main gang members were arrested.

We also rescued victims who were forcibly confined.

Upon investigation, surprisingly, the site was

It was revealed that it was the property of Bamban City Mayor Alice Kuo.

Of course, Alice Kuo said about this

He just lent the land.

He strongly claims that he has nothing to do with this crime.

However, as the investigation progressed

Waves and waves, something strange keeps appearing…

The fact that Mayor Guo’s past activities are unknown…

Although she is Chinese, she said she was born in Bamban City.

Despite this, I can’t speak the local language at all.

I am very good at Chinese.

Also, I questioned it because there was no record of receiving compulsory education.

He claimed that he completed his education through homeschooling.

There were more than one questionable corner.

And as the investigation continued…

The Philippines was turned upside down because of one Chinese woman.ㄷㄷㄷI discovered something even more strange.

The photo above is the identity of Mayor Alice Guo in the records of the Bamban City area.

In fact, it is different from her current appearance as the owner of this status.

No matter how I look at it, they don’t look alike at all…

The Philippines was turned upside down because of one Chinese woman.ㄷㄷㄷAdditional intensive investigation

According to the records, Guo Huaping was born in 1990 and entered the country in 2003.

I found data on a Chinese woman.

The appearance of this woman and Mayor Guo is very similar.

And the most creepy thing is

The fingerprints of Guo Huaping, the woman in this record, and Mayor Alice Guo match… haha.

Due to this various evidence

There are suspicions that Alice Guo, or Guo Huaping, is a Chinese spy who forged her identity.

I wake up like a fire

Of course, even now, they say this is a frame-up and a ridiculous planned investigation.

It has continued to be vehemently denied.


The news came out today (the 22nd) and I sensed that this guy was a mess.

He fled from the Philippines early on and went to Indonesia or

I went on a run with my family to places like Malaysia… haha.

The Philippines was turned upside down because of one Chinese woman.ㄷㄷㄷconclusion :

Chinese woman suspected of being a spy

Become mayor of a small town with a fake identity

He colluded with a Chinese criminal organization and committed a crime before running away.

Amazing… ㄷㄷㄷ

The Philippines was turned upside down because of one Chinese woman.ㄷㄷㄷ

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