I have a great sci-fi movie idea.

Where are you going to scam me?
Don’t do that, just try it once, I’m really confident…
ㅇㅋ Then we will do it once, but we can only give you a little money.
Ah, it costs a lot of money to do what I think right.
Sir, then I will cut my salary, so just give me the copyright to this movie…
Haha, okay~ instead
Your down payment is $20,000 (about 2 billion won in today’s money).
Spit it out lol
And so, after many twists and turns, the movie was released.

It holds the copyright to all Star Wars series produced in the future.
Became one of the world’s greatest film industry rejects
40 years later

Lucas holds the copyright to Star Wars, which lays real golden eggs.
Can’t you bring that back?

Oh really? really? Honto?
Thank you Berry!!! thanks!!!
Well… but uh… how much will it cost?
(The value of the Star Wars franchise cannot be measured)
Adding the Indiana Jones copyright, it’s only (?) 3 billion dollars.
Wow thank you so much. Very thank you Lucas, you are the best!!!
In the end, the copyright that the film company sold to an unknown director at the time to save $20,000 was bought back 40 years later for only(?) $3 billion.
Afterword 1.
Disney, which bought back Star Wars, threw all kinds of tricks into it, including PCs and Mary Sues, and ended up ruining Star Wars.

Lucas, what are you going to do with the copyright stake?

vs Lucas

Disney: From PC…